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  3. Add Listing Page

Add Listing Page

Frequently Asked Questions



The “Add Listing” page is where your site visitors will add and edit their listings and see the confirmation message that their listings has been submitted.

The contents of the page are at least 2 GeoDirectory Elements:

GD Notifications – display GD messages and notifications for the visitor
GD Add Listing – Displays the add listing form.


The Add Listing page is a WordPress page that is installed with GeoDirectory.
You can find the page by searching in the the Pages on your site in:

WordPress Backend – Pages – Search “gd” – Find the Add Listing page and hover your mouse over it to edit the page.

GeoDirectory Settings

Default Template Setting

Choose the page that will serve as the Add Listing page in the Pages settings:

GeoDirectory – Settings – General – Pages – Add Listing page – Choose your Add Listing page


GeoDirectory Design Elements

The Add Listing page uses the GD Add Listing element to display the Add Listing form.

Default Content

When GeoDirectory is installed, the template is installed with default content. If you make changes to the page, and want to restore the default content, you can find it in the GeoDirectory Settings:

GeoDirectory – Settings – General – Pages – Click “Default Content”

The default content will be shown in a lightbox modal. You can copy and paste the default content back into the Page, overwriting anything you already have in the page.

More Design Options

Unique Add Listing page for each Custom Post Type

It is possible to add a new add listing page for each post type, but support is not provided for this. The add listing page has a number of unique functions and we can only provide support for the add listing page selected from the GeoDirectory settings.

Listing edits will open on the primary add-listing page
When a user edits a listing they will be returned to the primary add-listing page, the page set in the GeoDirectory page settings.

Disable Frontend Add

Do you have a Custom Post Type that should only be added by Administrators?

If so, you can use the option in the CPT settings to “Disable Frontend Add”

CPT – Settings – General (tab) – Show Advanced – Disable Frontend Add – CHECK

When this option is checked, the CPT will also be hidden from the GD Dashboard widget for “Add Listings -> CPT”


When you are ready to share your add listing page(s) with the world, you will want to add them to the menu so that site visitors can find them easily.

Check out our doc about Navigation here for more information about that.


You can absolutely use a basic builder to adjust the layout and design elements on the page, just be sure to use shortcodes. See more information here on the builders doc.

Pages Templates and Sidebars

GD Uses the sidebars that come with your theme. Read more about how to choose a theme that has the sidebars you want here.


Read more about using custom CSS and snippets here.

Add Listing Form CSS Examples

You can customize your site with custom CSS to style the add listing form.

Below are some example rules to get you started.

/*GDV2 – Add Listing Form – Labels*/
body.add-listing label {
    font-size: 30px;
/*GDV2 – Add Listing Form – Input Text*/
body.add-listing .geodir_form_row span {
    font-size: 30px;
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