Supreme Directory

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Supreme Directory

Supreme Directory Theme is the sleekest and faster loading theme for GeoDirectory. It is a Child Theme of our free theme Directory Starter and it is free as well.

Supreme requires minimal setup, it features an eye-catching home page design with a full-screen featured area boosting parallax effect.

Each page can be built using popular Page Builders, the ones we tested the most and we recommend are Gutenberg and Elementor PRO.

Location Page


Each location page will look like the home page, with the exception of the page title, slogan, and the featured image. In fact, for each Location, a custom image and slogan can be set.

Search and listings page


Search and listings page templates are inspired by the design of Airbnb. The Map is fixed and can be used both on the right or left of the listings grid.

Listing details page


The listings detail page shows a big featured image of the Listings with parallax effect, it can be used with or without tabs and content can be moved around very easily with the use of few options.

Compatible with all Add-ons and more

All add-ons play well with Supreme and we made sure that BuddyPress would be compatible too. Supreme is 100% responsive and works perfectly with all devices.

109 thoughts on “Supreme Directory

  1. Hi – as Supreme directory is a child theme can I directly edit the theme files or you you do updates for the child theme?

    1. Hello,

      We periodically perform updates, which is why we recommend storing your custom styles in the Customizer’s custom CSS section and using a plugin like Code Snippets for your JavaScript and PHP customizations. This approach ensures that your modifications are preserved.

      Please note that the current theme is considered a legacy theme and will be retired shortly. Our development efforts will be dedicated to our new theme, which you can find at WordPress Directory Theme.

      Thank you.

      1. Im just now installing GeoDirectory. I installed Supreme but shall I just uninstall it and install Blockstrap and Directory as child theme?

        1. For my projects I’m moving away from old legacy themes like starter and supreme and I’m exclusively using the Blockstrap + Directory child theme combo. That said, this is totally up to you. Not everyone likes the new WordPress Theme Editor. Personally I love it…

  2. Is it possible to have a subsection for a blog? I’ve looked at the demos but I don’t see any with that option. Thank you!

    1. WordPress is a blogging system so yes you always can. Example:


      1. Thanks – I thought it was possible. I just hadn’t seen any demos showing it. Thank you. Purchased and building!

  3. I want to install the Directory Starter theme with the Supreme Directory child theme. Do I install the Directory Starter theme and then the Supreme Directory theme in the same way on top of the Starter them, or is the child theme installed in a different manner?

    1. Hi,

      Install Directory Starter and do not activate it.
      Install the Supreme child theme and activate it.

      The child theme requires the parent theme to be installed, but it is that child theme that needs to be activated.


  4. boa tarde, este tema junto com o pluguin eles estao em portugues?
    teria como me mandar algum site que esta usando ele de verdade sem ser demostração?

    1. Hi, the plugin is available in Portuguese of Brazil. The theme only partially
      Here you can find sites built by clients:
      There is also a GeoDirectory Expert from Brazil who is a long time customer too:

  5. Hello,

    Do you if GeoDirectory is compatible with the Eventer plugin?

    Thank you.

    1. Probably, but there will be no integration. We have our own Events plugin.

      1. I saw your Events plugin. However I can’t find any Ticketing plugin that enable the creation, management and sale of tickets for a given event.

        Also I would need to use Stripe Split Payment.

        Is there such thing available for GeoDirectory?


        1. Not yet, we are working on that… There are 3rd party integration to create Marketplaces that could be used for that though:

        2. Thank you @Paolo for your prompt answer.

          When you say you are “working on that” you mean the Stripe Split Payment or the Event/Ticket Marketplace or both?

          What is your ETA regarding the availability?

          I have one additional question: is GeoDirectory compatible with ThemeCo PRO (I know it is with X)?

          Many Thanks!

        3. We are working on a ticketing system to allow users to sell event tickets and a wallet for the payouts (we are not working on Stripe split payments), however we don’t have an ETA yet.

          GeoDirectory should be compatible with any theme. If not, we’ll help you fix whatever is not.

      2. Hello.

        How can we install the demo content?

  6. I already bought these below plugins for my Listify theme. But I wanted to shift to Supreme Directory. Will these plugins work?
    astoundify dot com/products/plugin-bundle

    1. Hi,

      Astoundify plugins will not.
      UsersWP yes.


  7. For the User side listings detail page, what are the image size recommendations?
    Width, Height and size?

    1. 1400×800, please ask for support in the forums, not in the comment section of the theme.


  8. I’m trying to simply insert an image on a blank page. The image is not showing. Can images be inserted onto pages with this theme?

    1. Yes they can, if you ask for support in our forum we’ll check what is wrong in your install.

  9. I ran a speed check of the demo at but possibly I am not running the actual Supreme theme?

    1. 2 reasons, gtmetrix sucks, not sure why people even use it, there are far better tools. Second, our demos run on a shared server and are not particularly optimized for speed.

      I don’t think we even have a caching plugin installed.


      1. What tools do you suggest to replace GT Metrix?

        1. Looks cool. I will dig into it!



  10. Can I set a the directory for different cities on different pages? Example City 1 has it’s own directory and I have a link to City 1’s directory from that page, which would only displays listing for that city. City 2 would be they same set up. Is that possible?

    1. Yes, with the location manager every location has its own page and listings are limited to that location be it a country, region or city (or even neighborhood if you want) 🙂


  11. I like the layout of the Search and Listings page (listings on left, map on right). Is is possible to start at this page based on the user’s location instead of the Location page with search fields? Or is this layout possible just using the Directory starter theme?

    1. It’s never possible to load the user location without him sharing his location 1st. It is a Google GeoLocation requirement.


  12. hi, how may I put more options to search or filter?

  13. Hi Paolo

    I was reading the different timelines here regarding Supreme Directory Theme to change the background image in “GD Home Page” or change the Copyright legend at the footer section with CSS hardcode etc, several customization. All the solutions are working but if the template is update again all these changes will be losed.

    So If I pay my subscription, Do I need to program again all this CSS code or this changes will be able to do way Geodirectory Dashboard option? So every time if the template and plugin are updated will not lose any change made by me at future.

    Please, clarify me.


    Thank! I’ll pending your comments

    1. You just need to avoid saving your custom css or functions within theme files. You should use the custom css section of the WordPress customizer and a plugin like code snippets for any function. See it is still valid today.

  14. Llewellyn vanOnselen

    When will Supreme Directory theme be compatible with WPGEODIRECTORY V2?

    1. Hi,

      we will work on the themes right after all add-ons have been released in BETA.

      Probably by the end of the summer.

      Thank you,

  15. How do you add and Events calender here

    1. You will need the events add-on. Once installed, you’ll find a event calendar widget.


  16. Hello,
    I would like to know if i could somehow let users add products to their listings and sell them. I would like my visitors to search for a product and see nearby sellers. Is that possible?

    1. Hi,

      not out of the box. Something similar would require an integration with WooCommerce and one of its multi vendors plugin. Adding a new tab programatically is not difficult:

      You’ll need to add the shortcode of the multivendor plugin, adding the ID of the author of the listing so to show only the products that he sells.

      Any decent WordPress developer could do this in just few hours.


  17. Hello,

    Thank you for this theme,
    How to reduce the height of the background image?
    Thank you

    1. The only way is via CSS, if you submit a support question in our support forum:

      A team of specialists will be more than happy to assist you.

  18. hi

    I have finished translating the add-ons. where should I send the files?



    1. Please create a username so that we can make you validator for that language and you can import your translation in our systems.


      p.s. comments are the worst way to get in touch with us (FYI)

  19. ok. I am gonna do it with poedit,so I will need the .po files. how can I get them?

  20. ok. so if I do all the add-ons I get one year free with all add-ons, right?

    1. correct! 🙂

  21. can you give me a link pls. also, I could do the hungarian translation ,where do I sign up?



    1. Arbolife uses WPML.

      The core plugin has been transalted to Hungarian already:

      You could translate all Add-ons.


  22. hi,

    is it multi-lingual? If it is , how come I cannot find a language switcher in the header in demo ?



    1. We didn’t build a multilingual demo, but yes, all GeoDirectory products are 100% compatible with WPML. There are plenty of example in our showcase section.


  23. I will be happy to assist anyone to design their website by instaling theme, plugin etc.

    1. Please consider to subscribe to this forum for jobs opportunity:


  24. Thank you Paolo!

    We’ll test plugins for the customization…

  25. Hi,
    we have installed geodirectory plugin with directory-starter theme and supreme-directory child theme.
    We have customized some files in supreme-directory child theme.
    How can we add/modify css, Filter Hooks, Action Hooks… without loose our personalization in case of an update of supreme-directory child theme?


    1. Did you see this?

      The plugin code snippet is ideal to add functions and you can use the database for CSS.

      There is a new option in the customizer for example to add custom css.


  26. Hello, so am deeply interested in this theme. I think it’s totally awesome, But I will like to know if it can be used to create a professional directory listing. Such that visitors to my website can use it to find artisans in their neighbourhood who have already registered on the site.

    Are there plugins I would have to buy to achieve this, I definitely would buy them

    1. If you need to work with neighbourhoods you’ll need the location manager for sure. Other add-ons could be needed, but that depends on the features you want.

  27. Hey, i want to edit those options like hotels, night life ,restaurant options down there to make it a business directory website in other field can i do it by editing it in dashboard after downloading and installing it.

    1. Yes you can, they are categories,


  28. Great, l see that you are using the Genesis Framework. Do you use it for all of your themes?

    1. Hi, no just for 3 Genesis child themes.

  29. I have created a menu bar ( that consist of place categories) but when I place the cursor, the sub categories are not visible.How do I improve on this?

    1. Hello,

      please submit any support question you may have in our support forum:

      A team of specialists will be more than happy to assist you.

      Thank you,

      The GeoDirectory Team

  30. Hello, I have two questions, how do I display the message Do you wish to be geolocated to listings near you ?, is it some plugin that does this?
    And on the other hand I do not fulminate the user registry, how should I do it?
    Thank you very much

    1. Hi,

      GeoLocation is a feature of the advance search feature. If the second question is asking how to turn on user registration, that’s done via settings > general in WordPress dashboard. (it’s a WP option, not GeoDirectory)


  31. How do I activate supreme directory theme on my wordpress website, without changing the set theme for the other pages?

    1. Hi Allan,

      You can’t, you have to pick a theme and go with that one.


  32. This looks great. Can this be used for United Kingdom locations?

    1. Hi,

      yes you’ll need the Location Manager add-on to extend the directory to more than 1 city:


  33. Hi, can we make global directory using this theme? I am planning to start a travel blog with collaborative bloggers. I want to publish the attractions/ blogs in different countries. Will be possible with this theme?

    1. Hi,
      yes, but you’ll also need the location manager add-on to submit listings outside the default location.

  34. Hi, there is no post for support for this theme in your support section, how one can get support for this theme? i want to add search box on home page as it shows on demo. for place, event, property, job, peple etc. do not know how to do that. plz help. thanks

  35. How can I set Free listing and Paid Listing

    1. Hi Ismail,

      You would need the Payments manager addon to have paid listings.


  36. Hi,
    I use supreme directory theme, but I think I need to create a theme child cause when I update supreme ddirectory theme I loose my custom css.
    But I don’t know if it’s possible to create a theme child from another theme child.

    1. Hi,

      You can use plugins for both custom css and functions.
      You’ll find few examples here:


    2. p.s. since WP 4.7 also the Customizer includes an option for custom css.


  37. Hi,

    I don’t see related listings links under the listing single page in your demo. Is there a way to display related listing places or events ?


    1. Hi,

      please submit any support question you may have in our support forum only:


  38. hi!, i’ve a question!…

    How do i change the background’s image from the home page?…

  39. Hi,
    Can you give us a login and password to try the “add place” feature from the back office please ?

    1. Hi,

      you can test the plugin backend here:

      Just click the launch demo button.

      The backend is identical with any theme.


    2. Great ! Thank you.

  40. Hi i downloaded the theme and am not able to change the top logo and word supreme to my own. How would i go about doing this if i am even able to do this?

    1. That is done via customizer settings. If still in doubt, please submit a support request in our forum:

  41. Hi! i need Geo Directory in Spanish, its posible?

  42. I am using the avada theme, but would the layout of my directory to be styled like the supreme theme instead of the standard appearance. Is this possible to implement?

    1. Hi,

      that would be possible if the Avada team would decide to add all templates and styling necessary to make it look like that.

      If you want to do that, be prepared to tackle an extensive customization.


  43. Hi I download the Theme . How to build the theme like this?? which plugins i need to add??

  44. Hi,

    One more question that, if we change the location, will the back-end picture be changed accordingly?

  45. Hi,

    I really like your design.
    when goes to detail page of the restaurant, where is the quick search bar? if we could have it sticky on the top, it will be great? any clue? thanks!

  46. Fatal error: Call to undefined function geodir_get_current_posttype() in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\themes\supreme-directory\functions.php on line 570

    1. Is the GeoDirectory plugin active? Let us know, Thanks

  47. I’ll find it, now!

  48. Thanks Paolo!
    Does GeoD include a search for tags for local business es. Accept Credit Card, Kids Friendly, Animals…?

  49. Hi, we downloaded Supreme Directory but after the theme upload we dont see it on the themes’s dashboard.
    Does the theme works fine?

    1. Hi,

      Supreme is a child theme of directory starter, that needs to be installed too.


  50. Nice theme!
    How do you change the text below “New York / above the search” ? (the one that says : Discover the best places to stay, eat, shop and events near you….)

    1. Hi,

      on regular pages it is a custom field, on the location pages it is set via MultiLocations >> Seo Settings.

      Please submit any future support question you may have in our support forum:

      A team of specialists will be more than happy to assist you.

      Thank you,

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