Translation: A Lot of Text Not Translate

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    Free User
    Post count: 44

    Hi Guys!


    I have issues translating GD.

    I had translated all the texts in geodirectory-en_US.po file, and it works.

    But there’s a whole lot of words/texts that aren’t translated on my webpage.

    I read others had the same issue, but just with 5-10 words/texts. I doesn’t made a list of the words/texts, because there’s alot.


    If you made changes in geodirectory-en_US.po in future releases/updates, eg.: add new texts, or modify existing texts, then how will I know witch ones to add/update in my translated .PO file?

    Please let me know!

    Thank You!


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956


    Please list anything u find is not translatable and we will fix it.

    With the program po edit you can update from a.po file, when doing this you will see a list of new texts.




    Free User
    Post count: 44

    Dear Stiofan!

    Thank you for your fast reply! I will try to make a list, including all the texts I had issues with.

    I will let you know!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Do you have any addons installed? They need separate translation as far as I know…


    Free User
    Post count: 168

    yes they need, but they dont have the po file inside their folder…

    Stiofan, in another topic provided you a lot of words not translatables


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    po files will be in all the next versions of the addons.

    I will also look at that thread, thanks



    Free User
    Post count: 44

    Well, that’s why I can’t find & translate e.g. event manager related texts. And maybe that’s why I don’t find some of the translatable texts. I’m noticed that the .po file are missing from the plugins. But I thougt that’s because GD use the geodirectory-en_US.po file, only.

    It will be much nicer if there will be separetad language files for the plugins and framework. The rest of the texts could go separated files, like frontend and backend, if it’s possible, and if it’s make sense.

    I think I will wait for the next release for this translating thing.

    Here’s just a few of the texts that I cannot translate. They’re from the “Add Places” and “Add Events” pages. (** = not found)


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    All the event manager related texts are missing. Event manager don’t have any language support, as I see.


    Free User
    Post count: 44

    There’s more for ADD PLACES:

    Enter Business or Listing Timing Information. eg. : 10.00 am to 6 pm every day
    You can enter phone number,cell phone number etc.


    Free User
    Post count: 137

    That supposed to be in “edit custom post types”


    Free User
    Post count: 12
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