Page wont load everytime

This topic contains 13 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Rocky Osborn 6 years ago.

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  • #434781

    Rocky Osborn
    Post count: 19

    I finally got the Geo Directory up and running and then the plug-in became faulty. I have tried to delete the plug in and all its data (as per the uninstall directions in the geodirectory settings) but it doesnt delete.

    the issue is that the geodirectory will load on the page once or twice and then it wont load any more. It just shows a whote page and wont load. There is clearly an issue with the plug in so I need to delete it in full in order to reinstall but it doesnt delete in full. Everytime I have tried to delete all data it still reinstalls with all my info and the issue wont go away.

    biz-directory page


    Rocky Osborn
    Post count: 19
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 16516

    Hi Rocky,

    Thanks for your post. Just inspected your Website backend and I noticed that you’ve not inserted an API key for your map. Refer to this section of the documentation for your reference



    Rocky Osborn
    Post count: 19

    Yes I removed it but put in another and it still doesn’t work. When I clear my cache manually it works the 1st time I go to the page but after a few refreshes it stops showing up. It just goes to a blank page. There is something wrong with the file but I can’t get a fresh upload


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    the problem is a conflict with WP Fastest Cache. Disabling it allows the page to appear.

    Please try GD Booster or WP Super Cache:


    Rocky Osborn
    Post count: 19

    Nope. I wish it was that easy. I see you deactivated my cache but i still cant see the page. i deleted my cache and even opened an incognito page but I don’t see it. it only appears sometimes but not every time. I don’t understand it. it was working and then not.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Can show us how to recreate the issue when WP Fastest Cache isn’t enabled?


    Rocky Osborn
    Post count: 19

    After seeing the page, refresh the page four or five times.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    It still works for me after 5 hard reloads.


    Rocky Osborn
    Post count: 19

    Thank you. It seems to be working after I added the new wp cache you suggested. I still need to figure out the search issue. I want to have the ability to have people search my site for items. You said geodirectory is not compatible with global search. What search is compatible? I need to be able to search the site and geodirectory


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    I don’t have another solution for BP user search for you, but you could try BP Profie search on to see if it works for you.

    WP Search works fine, independent of GD, but the BP Global Search plugin interferes and conflicts with the way that GD Search handles URLs.


    Rocky Osborn
    Post count: 19

    I just want to make sure I understand before I have to search for a different plug in. There isn’t a way to have 2 search bars? 1 that searches gd when in the gd page and 1 that searches the entire website; like posts, profiles and group posts. I am not having any luck finding one that searches posts that also supports gd


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Most/all other plugins will not search into GD posts without some customization, that is true.

    The issue is not that there cannot be two different searches, it is that BP Global Search is fundamentally, functionally in conflict with GD search. Other plugins have a settings to disable the conflict, but not BP Global Search. So, it isn’t exactly “there can be only one”; as I mentioned WP search works just fine so there are already two searches working alongside each other.

    I recommend you contact the BP community for recommendations about plugins for search, and then to test them to see what works for your site without a conflict with GD Search.


    Rocky Osborn
    Post count: 19

    Will do. Thank you

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