To control the icon and label you will need to add the logo to the sidebar with the GD Post Meta element, instead of using the Output Location option. See an example here:
2. & 3. & 4.
You will probably need to add acustom class to this to limit it to that page.
.geodir-image-container ul.geodir-images {
float: left;
With GDV2 you have a lot of options about what you can do on the GD Detail page by adjusting the GD Detail template. You can read more about that here:
For customization with CSS, we only provide examples here. For a full treatment of your site you will need additional custom HTML and CSS to fully arrange it the way you want, or you might consider using an advanced builder or hiring a developer to make your customizations.
Upload images fill the space available, unless adjusted otherwise, so, the general rule is get the best quality you can in an image that looks good in the space you give it.