GD V2 and Elementor

This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  jotomas 4 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #495583

    Post count: 802


    I am using GD Supreme Directory theme and I am now starting to try to learn to build the GD pages with Elementor, starting with the GD Detail page and, although I read carefully the GD V2 documentation, basic questions and doubts arise. Here follow a few to start:

    1) Reading the doc

    The doc says “There is a default template, and each CPT may have a unique template, too, configured in the CPT Advanced Settings.”, but when creating the Single template Elementor starts asking “Select Post Type”.

    Does this mean that the CPT to which the new template is assigned should be configured both in GD and Elementor?

    By the way, “Read more” link does not work.

    2) Reading the doc

    Is there a complete list with all the parameters of each GD Shortcode?

    3) Reading the doc

    The doc says “Elementor. Use GD Widgets for building. Use shortcode or WP shortcode elements instead of text areas because Elementor text areas do not support shortcodes by default.”

    How text parameters (font, size, line height, colours, etc.) of text within a GD Widget are managed?

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you very much for your help.

    Best regards.


    Post count: 16516

    Hi jotomas,

    Thanks for your post. Please allow me to answer your questions accordingly.

    1. You can change the CPT default templates using the option shown in the attached. It’s inside CPT > Settings > General > Show Advanced.

    2. You can refer to the shortcode builder

    3. Font Size, line height cannot be adjusted in Shortcodes or Widgets and you can custom CSS to modify that.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Let’s say you are building for Places.
    Create the Elementor single, assign it to places, you are done. It will override GD settings, generally speaking.
    If it does not, visit the GD Details page assigned to that CPT and set the page attributes->page template to “default”

    With elementor you should use widgets. Drag and drop them on the page.
    You can also open a page and use the shortcode builder there, if needed.

    You will still need custom CSS to override font sizes and colors


    Post count: 802

    Hi Alex, hi Kor,

    Thank you very much for your replies.

    Therefore, I understand that the main advantage of using Elementor or another compatible page and theme builder is that it allows to create GD pages with any layout and any content. However, to style GD parts of these pages to attain “pixel perfect” layouts, CSS knowledge is necessary. Am I right?

    Since by now I do not plan neither I am willing to learn CSS, I wonder if you would recommend using a CSS editing plugin like CSS Hero or SiteOrigin CSS. Could you please let me know?

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you very much once again for your help.

    Best regards.


    Post count: 802

    Hi again,

    By the way, this would be also my final response to this old closed ticket that I did not reply in time:

    Best regards.


    Post count: 802

    Hi again,

    I will reformulate my question.

    Is it possible to edit GD pages and templates CCS with a CSS editor plugin like CCS Hero, Site Origin CSS or Micro Themer?

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you very much for your help.

    Best regards.


    Post count: 16516

    Hi jotomas,

    Thanks for your reply. I’d suggest that you try Site Origin CSS since it’s free. But nevertheless, it should be similar with custom CSS.



    Post count: 802

    Hi Kor,

    Thank you very much for your response.

    In fact, a few months ago I tried Site Origin CSS for another project and I was not very satisfied because I found that it was not user friendly and intuitive enough for a non-coder like me.

    Yesterday I have just discovered MicroThemer ( ) and I will give it a try since they offer a free one month trial. I will try it to build GD Detail and Archive pages with Elementor and Supreme Directory theme. Should this combination work together?

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you very much for your help.

    Best regards.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    You can let us know if you run into issues, maybe we can help. It is not tested.


    Post count: 802

    Hi Alex,

    Sure I will!

    Thank you very much once again for your help.

    Best regards.

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