How to Customize the Single-Listing Page? Please Help!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 4 years, 10 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 10


    Please find attached an image of what I am referring to.

    I’m trying to convert the basic Geo Listing Page, with features as shown in the image. Here’s the questions broken down:

    1) How do I not use the tab feature and instead simply show the custom fields (as pointed to with an arrow in the image).

    2) How do I choose the location of the custom fields? eg: Display the custom fields on the right hand side of listing and below the image.

    3) What’s the best strategy to create these custom fields? Is it best to create a SELECT custom field. Which output location?

    4) How to display the profile description, without using the tab.

    5) How to Edit the description area and add many other features, like maps and other sections.

    Lastly can the description, or the whole page be edited with the Divi Builder or not?

    I’m new to using this Plugin, urgent help will be greatly appreciated!

    Kindest regards.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    With Divi, you will need to create each template page (archive and search archive and details) with Divi. You can read more about each of the templates here:

    1) How do I not use the tab feature and instead simply show the custom fields (as pointed to with an arrow in the image).

    Remove GD Single Tabs from the Details page template

    If you have more questions or we need to check the settings you can always follow up with a private reply that includes your access information like:

    WordPress Credentials
    WP Admin Login URL:
    WP Admin Username:
    WP Admin Password:
    URL of the problem page:

    2) How do I choose the location of the custom fields? eg: Display the custom fields on the right hand side of listing and below the image.

    Use GD Output Location in the sidebar or add individual GD Post Meta for each field, as a widget, to the sidebar that shows with the details page.

    3) What’s the best strategy to create these custom fields? Is it best to create a SELECT custom field. Which output location?

    Details page sidebar shows on the details page, listing output location shows in the archive item on the archive page. All the fields have different properties. Create the ones you need to test and then let us know if you have specific questions about how they work.

    4) How to display the profile description, without using the tab.

    Remove GD Single Tabs from the details page template.

    5) How to Edit the description area and add many other features, like maps and other sections.

    You can remove those tabs or edit them int eh tabs UI, but if you are not going to use tabs

    Lastly can the description, or the whole page be edited with the Divi Builder or not?

    The template can be edited with divi builder, but not the individual listings.

    About the screenshot you sent

    The GD Ninja Forms widget is needed for an integration with the email field, to use the GD Contact Form. Only that widget can be used for the integration.

    For the details page sidebar, you can either create a sidebar type area in your details page template, or choose a page template that loads a sidebar. Then add GD Output Locations to that sidebar.

    The first step should be creating the template pages with divi.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 10

    Hi Alex,

    So I managed to show the tabs as list, and customized the page.

    But why are the shortcodes working for some custom fields and not the others?

    For example I can see [gd_post_meta key=”website”]
    But can’t see [gd_post_meta key=”price”]

    I just need those to show up now, then I can set them up properly for the export format, and be ready for importing the listings.

    Please help with this one!

    Link to photos:

    Thank you


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    If fields don’t have a value entered into the listing then they will not show up.

    If that isn’t the issue please share a link to a listing with the problem along with wp admin credentials so we can check the settings.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 10

    Thanks for your reply Alex, I think that’ll do it. I’ll make new listings and try that out!


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    OK! 🙂

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