Map Widget

This topic contains 24 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 10 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 12

    Good Evening,

    I like your plugin and add-ons a lot,but have a few questions.

    1- Please see attached photo – how do I get rid of the extra items circled, so that the map and search block look like the demo?

    2- Is it possible with short codes to display same map and search block on any page?

    3- I have custom fields that I would like to reflect as ($) or (%) – is this possible?

    4- Is it possible to provide a search by zip code and/or neighborhood (MultiLocations)?

    5- Using Paid Memberships Pro,how can I restrict access to all tabs when users are not logged in – I have been able to do it on the profile with shortcodes.

    Thank you in advance for your assistance!


    Post count: 29970

    1. Your styling of your theme is changing the GD styling. We would need your URL and WP admin details (in a private reply) to check that out.

    2. Yes, see

    3. Yes, see

    4. That will work already to some extent. Review these links:
    So if the ZIP code is unique (and not used in some other country that is also in your directory), the search should work. Same for neighborhood, but there is now way of predicting what the Google API will return for a neighborhood that uses the same name as a city somewhere. It will most likely return the listings around the center of that city then.

    5. I guess you would need to customize the listing-detail.php template, and enter some conditional code around the tab section. But as to what code to use exactly, that would be a question for Paid Memberships Pro probably.
    See also


    Expired Member
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    I get: ERROR: The password you entered for the username GeoDirectory is incorrect.

    Please make sure that in GeoDirectory >> Design >> Script >> Disable Core SCSS is unchecked.

    Your css problem is porobably due to that right now…

    Let us know,



    Expired Member
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    If you elminate that you’ll be able to search only in the default Custom Post Type….

    If you provide a link, I can give you css to make the 2 text field narrower.

    Let us know,



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Sorry, I noticed you already provided the link in a previous reply:

    If you wish to hide the CPT selector:

    .search_by_post {
        display: none;

    If you wish to make text fields narrower:

    .geodir_advance_search_widget .geodir-loc-bar .geodir-loc-bar-in .geodir-search input.snear,.geodir_advance_search_widget .geodir-loc-bar .geodir-loc-bar-in .geodir-search input.search_text {
        width: 32%;

    You are using the wrong map on the places page. That is a listings page and you are using the home page map in there. The home page map should be used in the /location/ page. Just FYI.



    Expired Member
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    in GeoDirectory >> design >> Scripts >> Custom css

    If you hide the post type selector, it won’t be possible to change the post type and search will always only search for listing in the Multifamily post type.

    Hope it is clearer now.



    Expired Member
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    Post count: 29970

    Can you give us correct access details, please. So we can test the CSS for the search bar.

    GD Home Map is for the GD Home and Location pages and will show all listings for the place you navigated to.

    GD Listings map is for GD Listings/category pages, and will show all listings relevant to the filter or search you applied.

    You can add the Popular Category widget to one of the GD Listings sections. That will show all relevant categories.


    Expired Member
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    Expired Member
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    Post count: 29970

    I quickly threw together a location page for you: /location/

    I will leave the CSS issue for the search bar on non-GD pages for Paolo to fix when he is back after the weekend. Kleo is over-riding the GD CSS.

    It looks like you are on a GoDaddy WordPress Managed server.
    You will run into problems with Geolocation and GoDaddy’s cache. If you would move to a normal GoDaddy VPS, these problems won’t come up.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 12

    Thanks Guust for your help!

    Is the Location page a standard GD page – can I add any other features to it e.g. Kleo features?

    What type of problems should I expect due to the GoDaddy WordPress Managed server?

    Also, do you have code that I can use to change the color of the search button?


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