GeoDirectory Multilingual Press Compatiblity Failure

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  wci 9 years, 1 month ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Support Team,

    when activating the multilingualPress plugin then getting a white page failure on edit listing item url.

    I get following failure in browser shown – Catchable fatal error: Argument 2 passed to Mlp_Translation_Metabox::register_meta_boxes() must be an instance of WP_Post, instance of stdClass given in /home/worldcheckin/public_html/wci/ on line 128

    and white page – See Screen Shot –

    Searching around the forum I found the topic Geodirectory completely fails to work with Multilingual Press as well the function request (Compatibility With Multilingual Press Plugin) (Popular > page 2) from Kevin with now 83 votes.

    Reason: I want to use within my multisite installation for each language an individual sub-site. WPML is therefore not the right solution for my requested usability.

    I like to know
    – how I am able to solve my actual white page problem?
    – after so mutch votes, when you expect to develop the compatibility version?

    Regards, Alex


    Post count: 29970

    I’ll get Paolo to have a look at your question.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Thanks,

    I also got the message from multilingualPress support thread.

    Find here the info

    This a known problem: The plugin Geodirectory is breaking the WordPress API on the post editor page. They know it and don’t care. Every plugin that expects a WP_Post here will be broken by that plugin.

    Sorry to say that. All you can do is filing another bug report to them.

    Regards, Alex


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Alex,

    I have reached out to the dev, if he wants we can make things compatible we can work together if not it’s WPML.




    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Steofan,

    I apologize and did not want to start a dispute by starting this thread for problem resolve.

    In customer point of view and sure that I am not the only one, I believe and trust in you and the MultilingualPress Dev’s to find a compatible solution hopefully in a fast way (1st. request started 1 year ago) to be used as an WPML alternative.

    Best regards, Alex


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1035

    Hi Stiofan,

    1. Did you noticed the contact information in thread to be used to get in contact with the Multilingual Press developer?
    2. Is there any progress to be reported right now?

    Looking forward to your answer.

    Best Regards, Alex

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