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  • in reply to: Share this script error #299752

    Expired Member
    Post count: 38

    Hi Paolo,

    I have updated all GeoDirectory plugins. The jQuery( “.venue123_inq_date” ).datepicker(); is in a try…catch statement and shouldn’t affect the dates on the filter inputs since it’s not throwing an error but rather being logged using console.log(). The same log shows in the Events page but on the Events page the date picker in the filter works without a problem.

    Also, if you click on the “Email” checkbox on any listing and then click on “Email my selected listings” you’ll see there’s a date field there which doesn’t have the same issue as the one on the sidebar.

    Like I said, this fields were working fine until only recently.

    Please let me know if you understand what I mean.

    in reply to: Share this script error #297567

    Expired Member
    Post count: 38

    Okay, I have disabled share this for now. The date issue is still there. Can you advise what the issue is? If you search for “Deals” and select a date in the filters on the sidebar it shows as “Y-11-24” instead of “2016-11-24” and the search doesn’t work. This was working as well before the new GeoDirectory release. But if you search for “Events” the date works fine.

    Please see the attached screenshot.

    in reply to: Share this script error #297140

    Expired Member
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    in reply to: Date search range issue for Events #285738

    Expired Member
    Post count: 38

    Hey Stiofan,

    Our clients are the ones that add the events. We usually don’t ask them what kind of events they hold. They add dates like that and assume or expect the search to work.

    Isn’t there a way to make it work? If I have to override the functionality, how can I do that in the functions.php?

    in reply to: Date search range issue for Events #284613

    Expired Member
    Post count: 38

    Okay I see that you don’t follow. Let me give you an example:

    I added an event named Stiofan and set the start date to 16 August 2016 and the end date to 14 February 2017. Then I searched for events and filtered by date using the Advanced Search Filters setting the date range from 11 October 2016 and left the end date empty. Technically I should see the Stiofan event in the search results but it doesn’t appear. When I set the search start date to 16 August 2016 I see the Stiffen event in the search results.

    Does that make sense now?

    in reply to: Date search range issue for Events #283334

    Expired Member
    Post count: 38

    Hi Stiofan. I am using the “range in from” it doesn’t work. So I want it to show events that occur from that date regardless of when the event start date was. I am searching from date 2016-10-20. The below is what GD filters:

    AND ( ( wp_posts.post_title LIKE “” ) OR ( wp_posts.ID IN( SELECT wp_term_relationships.object_id as post_id FROM wp_term_taxonomy, wp_terms, wp_term_relationships WHERE wp_term_taxonomy.term_id = wp_terms.term_id AND wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = wp_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id AND wp_term_taxonomy.taxonomy in ( ‘gd_eventcategory’,’gd_event_tags’ ) ) ) ) AND wp_posts.post_type in (‘gd_event’) AND (wp_posts.post_status = ‘publish’) AND ( wp_geodir_event_schedule.event_date >= ‘2016-10-13’ OR ( wp_geodir_event_schedule.event_date <= ‘2016-10-13’ AND wp_geodir_event_schedule.event_enddate >= ‘2016-10-13’ ) ) AND wp_geodir_event_schedule.event_date >= ‘2016-10-20’

    Is that right?

    in reply to: Facebook Error 100 #254880

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    in reply to: Image Duplication Number in Lightbox #253799

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    in reply to: Weird behaviour for Popup Form #252850

    Expired Member
    Post count: 38

    Hi Giri,

    Thanks a lot. Your changes fixes my problem.

    in reply to: Auto-Updates #252771

    Expired Member
    Post count: 38

    Thank you – my mistake. I must’ve overwritten the files when doing my transfer from old server to new server – I promise I was using more up to date files! 🙂

    Thank you for your help!!

    in reply to: Auto-Updates #252707

    Expired Member
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    in reply to: Auto-Updates #252375

    Expired Member
    Post count: 38

    I’m still not coming right with this.

    There is only one license field to activate one key. There is no option to enter details for any other keys.

    in reply to: BuddyPress Register Page Template Override #247486

    Expired Member
    Post count: 38

    Thank you Giri. That works like a charm!

    in reply to: Free Listing Plan Offer Being Spammed #232453

    Expired Member
    Post count: 38

    Thanks Hennie!

    CleanTalk is the business! It sorted out spam issues in no time!

    in reply to: Listing claim pop up does not appear #160928

    Expired Member
    Post count: 38

    Hi Stiofan,

    I’m having a similar issue to this but the issue happens only when a user is not logged in. If a user is logged in then the Claim Listing modal displays. Any ideas why this may be happening?

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