Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari

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  • Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    (a) So do you mean, one can’t just click on the stars and rate a business?
    Yes, tabs do have a link but I was asking if star image itself can be linked to the reviews tab? I mean, if I don’t like to create any link text or another button just to link to the reviews tab …won’t it be possible to directly interact with star images?

    (b) Yes, editing the shortcode helped.

    Update on (a): Now the Stars are followed by a text stating no. of “# Reviews” or “No Reviews” text as the case may be. And this text is by default linked to Reviews tab link. So it solves the problem to a large extent. But it would be better if star image too can be linked to reviews tab.


    in reply to: No payment page appears when updating a listing #526501

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    Thanks @guust for your willingness to help me!

    I’ve created a new dedicated page as a list of all categories. This Page has nothing else (except GD Top & Sidebar elements):

    I’d like all main categories in first column (in alphabetical order) and their respective sub-catefgories and sub-sub-categories in second & third column respectively (if possible). Otherwise, I’d be happy with all categories in single column.


    in reply to: No payment page appears when updating a listing #526174

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    please post your invoicing question to

    Done. Thanks for pointing me there.

    You can add the package field to sorting, as described here:

    Done. Thanks! I’m making this sorting option as default.
    But do I now need to delete the earlier Recommended option I created using “featured” widget?

    Please create a new topic about the “Show single column” issue and provide a page where we can see the issue.

    This topic was about “No payment page appears when updating a listing” and that is now resolved.

    Well, I understand your point here. The topic I created is certainly not apt for such a query. But I’d need to ask some more mundane questions to you guys in next couple of weeks. So should I create a more general topic for my query or would I need to open a new thread for every new query?

    To my following query earlier in this thread:

    I’m still figuring out several settings for various features. I may soon need to put a bunch of questions to you guys. But I’m wondering how your support works. Is it okay to post all my questions in one single post here or do I need to start different threads in respective forums?

    I got the following response from your team member:

    Just keep it all together here. Thanks

    I misunderstood this reply and started putting all my questions during setting up process here. But creating and managing several threads won’t be easy for me. So would it be convenient to you guys if I club multiple questions in a single thread. I’ll rather wait to collect few more issues before I make a post.

    in reply to: No payment page appears when updating a listing #526028

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54


    Is there a way to prioritize/order listings on archive & search pages according to different price packages? Right now, I only know to give top priority to featured listings. But I need to add another price package to assign second (lesser) priority than featured listings but greater priority than free listings in search results.

    Also, “Show single column:” doesn’t work in GD > Categories widget. All Categories line up in 3 columns even though “Show single coloumn” checkbox was ticked.


    in reply to: No payment page appears when updating a listing #525985

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    Sadly, it doesn’t help. I had tried that option too. “manage_invoicing” capability doesn’t solve my objective and what more, it also makes settings like Items, Payment Gateways, Email etc. accessible.

    Would you like to suggest any other plugin for managing roles?

    in reply to: No payment page appears when updating a listing #525812

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    OK, all done. Thank you!

    By any chance can you help me in another issue?
    I’m using “User Role Editor by Members” plugin (from MemberPress) for assigning user roles. I’ve granted all rights for Invoices to “Editor” role. Now Editor account can edit the billing details, save the invoice but can’t view the Permalink of other user’s invoice (nor can use the “Resend Invoice” button). Following message appears on clicking the invoice permalink:

    Access Denied
    This invoice is only viewable by clicking on the invoice link that sent to you via email.

    However if I grant “Manage Options” capability, it works. But this option also makes all of GD script and theme accessible to Editor which I won’t like to. Any workaround possible to make all paid & pending invoices’ pdf viewable by Editor?


    in reply to: No payment page appears when updating a listing #525268

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    15. WOW, that was very helpful! I’ve segregated some post-badges from “featured” key now. However, after doing that I had to edit all those listings one by one to re-assign badges. There was no option to edit those field through bulk-edit option. And strangely enough, I found a few listings whose data was lost except their title, images and description. Even the mandatory category field looks empty! Wondering how it all happened.

    Here are those listings:

    I can easily spend some time and re-submit these listings after deleting them but it would help to know the cause to not to repeat the mistake in the future. All information like address, website, email, phone nos., social links etc. disappeared. May be it’s still in the database and is recoverable. Admin panel do show their assigned categories under CTP > Places, but front-end doesn’t!

    22. Yes, solved now. I was actually editing the existing invoices earlier but new invoices won’t get generated with the edited data. But editing at the time of checkout solved the issue. Thanks!

    in reply to: No payment page appears when updating a listing #525069

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    Sorry, I’m re-posting my reply here as I don’t see it in this thread:

    15. Yes, now it’s working as intended. Thank you!

    It’s true that I’ve enabled featured listing field for free package as well. Actually, I’m very confused about this. I want to allocate some badges to free listings as per my will but don’t want those listings to be sorted at top in search / archive pages. But unfortunately it seems that Featured Field and Post Badges are not mutually independent. I don’t know how to go around this. I also want to confer different badges to different listings but that is also not possible as there is only one check box for featured listing; and badges can only be conferred to featured listings!

    Also, can you point me to some detailed explanation page for various sorting tips? Here it’s stated:

    The power of this new system is immense and we will be providing more and more examples of how to take full advantage of it.

    16. Many thanks! I hope a new version or an update will be released soon.

    22. Thanks to your edits, now the name and address texts got changed in emails but I’m still struggling to figure out how to do that! I don’t really understand how to edit shortcodes. You say, you edited it on checkout page but the only shortcode on Checkout page I can find is: [wpinv_checkout]. Now how to edit a user’s name, address or phone no. from here! I can’t see any GDV2 design element or an advanced setting option for this shortcode. Is there some other way to edit it?

    in reply to: No payment page appears when updating a listing #524661

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: No payment page appears when updating a listing #523909

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: No payment page appears when updating a listing #523196

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    17. Changing the map type on search page did the job! Thank you, but I’ve to make a compromise on the full width map. I was using the directory map everywhere through the GD Top widget (except on one page). I don’t know any other way to display the map in full width (except using a full width page attribute). And if I use a full width page, I’d get the map in full width but won’t be able to get the side bar below it.

    Is there a way I can display the map in full width just below the header on search pages too?


    in reply to: No payment page appears when updating a listing #523184

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    Hey, thanks for all the help! I’m yet to follow on everything you told me here.

    For now, I’ve put the CSS given in (14) and it worked perfectly.

    16. Yes, my site works the same as demo site. If you access the demo site from an Android mobile, you will not be able to click “Add Listing” menu if it were set to work as a button for some page (just like other top level menu buttons). But in the demo site, “Add Listing” button is just being used to expand its sub-menu by scrolling over it. I want to set it as clickable too. Since I couldn’t do it, I had to repeat the Menu title in its sub-menu. But I couldn’t do the same for Profile pages viz. “My Dashboard” or “Login” buttons in menu bar of my website. You won’t be able to go to “Forgot Password” page or even “Register” page directly from the menu on a mobile device.

    Secondly, if you access the demo site from an Android mobile, you will find a User Icon on the top right corner. Try tapping it and the screen will slide to a blank screen. This is how it works exactly for my website too and I don’t think it should work like this.

    7. I read somewhere that I shouldn’t set the /location page as my homepage else it may break my directory functionality or something. Otherwise, I’d have made it as my default page. So, is there no problem if I set it as my home page? I don’t see any other use case for that page. (I just don’t want the title put as “Location” on it).

    10 + 13 + 15. I’ll be sharing the WP admin access details later …once I’m done with the 17.

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: No payment page appears when updating a listing #523149

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    8. The problem with sign in to existing account is only related to Facebook accounts while it works smoothly with twitter, linkedin and wordpress accounts. I think I should be asking this with the plugin support team. Sorry to bother you on it here.

    in reply to: No payment page appears when updating a listing #523067

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    Thanks for this info!

    4. I’ve gone through the link you pointed to but I didn’t get an answr to what I was seeking. I asked:
    How to move existing listing to a parent listing as its franchisee with franchise manager? (E.g. in cases when parent co. (franchisor) submits listing after its franchisees were already on my directory).

    Do I need to re-phrase my question? Franchise Manager enables adding a new franchise to a listing but I want to do it vice-versa …to add a Franchisor to a Franchisee. Isn’t that possible? Or may be, a Franchisor wants to append/associate an existing listing on the website as its franchisee. What are the steps to do that?

    7. The referred documentation doesn’t say anything about changing title / slug for Location page. For “Home Page for each location” the actual address is What I wanted to ask was: What is the use of page for my website visitors? Do I need to link to this page somewhere in my Menu bar? What purpose will that solve?

    8. Yes, I’m using this plugin only.

    10. Here’s one search page:

    On this page, only the 3rd listing (viz. Bell Peppers) have a premium subscription for including logo. But all listing showcase their first photo as a logo. (To make it easy to locate, I’ve enabled “Show in extra output location” for Listing Page. So it’s displaying the same logo image twice. But if I disable it, it won’t be possible to distinguish with other listings).

    13. Okay, so here is one example listing:

    This listing has no franchises and on clicking its relevant Tab, it rightly says:
    “No listings were found matching your selection. Something missing? Why not add a listing?.”
    I don’t want this Tab to be shown to website visitors when it’s empty. How can I do that with Franchise Manager plugin?

    14. On the main Map, there is a Title & Category search scroll bar at the extreme right end. We can collapse and expand it with the help of some small buttons at the bottom. Unfortunately, this buttons are almost the same colour as Map’s background and not very conspicuous to users. Can I change the colour of these buttons or is there some other easy way out of this problem?

    15. Under Featured widget, for field key “featured”, I’ve ticked the “Admin only edit”. It’s all good but for “Should the checkbox be checked by default?” option, I’ve selected the “Unchecked”. But its checkbox is always Checked by default. I’ve tried toggling the dropdown for Default Value from Unchecked to Checked and back but it didn’t help.

    16. In the Primary Navigation Menu bar on my website, when I scroll over a menu item, I see all its sub-menu in a drop-down bar and can click any menu item (including the main menu item) as desired. This is how it works on a desktop. But on my Android mobile phone, I need to tap on main menu item to its see sub-menu items and I can access pages for sub-menu items only by tapping on them but on tapping main menu item, it returns back to primary menu bar.

    So in order to make all main menu items accessible from mobile, I added the main menu item again as its sub-menu item. It works for all menu items except User Profile & Login menu. [On my website these are named as My Dashboard (for logged in user) & Login (for logged out users)]. Is this a normal problem on mobile interface? Any workaround for it?

    17. When we search in some specific location, the Map shows all listings from that location only. But same is not true with search on basis of some category or some keyword. In this case, all directory listings are visible on the Map and not just listings pertinent to that specific category or keyword. Is this normal?

    in reply to: No payment page appears when updating a listing #522340

    Ashutosh Nirvadyaachari
    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    Thank you Kor for a quick response. I’m still trying to implement your suggestions one by one.

    1. Tried setting a new package however, it’s not convenient to set a new package when I want to offer discount on an existing package itself. I’ll need to take down this package when I stop offering discount.

    Secondly, There is only option for “Exclude Categories” and none for “Include Categories”. So for applying the package to one category, I had to put all other categories under exclusion. But this makes it impossible to select more than one category for those who are opting for this discount package! Any work around for this?

    2. OIC

    3. Advance Search settings help only in searching near visitor’s location. What I was asking about was that if a user clicks on Add Listing form, the form shouldn’t be pre-filled with the default city as set by site admin but visitor’s own city according to her IP or her geo-location settings.

    4. This couldn’t help me.

    I’ll work on rest later and then provide my complete feedback. Meanwhile here is my website url:


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