Alex Rollin

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  • in reply to: Designing listing pages #541975

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    You will want to hide the GD Post Review element at the top with CSS.

    What is shown in the middle is the tabs. Is there a problem with the tabs? You can edit the GD Details page and show them as a list instead

    [gd_single_tabs show_as_list="1"]

    Did you add GD Output Location to the GD Sidebar?

    For the 404 errors, please try re-saving permalinks:

    1. Open the settings at: WordPress – Settings – Permalinks

    2. Choose a different setting for your GeoDirectory permalinks, then save.

    3. On reload, switch back to the setting you had before, and save again.

    4. Check the page to see if the issue persists.

    Re-Save the Permalinks by adjusting, saving, then restoring and saving again.

    GeoDirectory uses custom permalinks and when changes are made to plugins or settings, in some cases you may need to re-save the permalinks to apply the new patterns to the URLs for your listings.

    Read more at:

    in reply to: Not all CPT's are showing at bottom of map #541974

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Do you have listings in those CPTs? They won’t show if they are empty.
    If there are too many CPTs to show at one time the arrows allow you to scroll/slide them.

    in reply to: Lisitng With More Than One Category #541973

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Will it affect the Marker Cluster to use more than one category per listing?

    No, the marker cluster will work fine.

    Is there a special setting for this or should there only be one category per listing?

    The default category controls the map icon used. Use the Pricing Manager if you want to limit the number of categories that can be chosen for a given price package.

    in reply to: Search Results Images #541972

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Edit the GD Archive Item template.
    Make a new shortcode there for GD Post Images.
    Use the advanced option (under the blue button) for Image cover type = contain (cover=’n’)

    [gd_post_images type="image" ajax_load="1" slideshow="1" show_title="1" animation="slide" controlnav="1" cover="n"]

    in reply to: Set address on map when adding list issue #541970

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    there should be a map there. You will want to check the console for any errors, or perhaps switch to OpenStreetMaps. Write back with a link and creds if we should take a look.

    The address and map fields are fixed. Any adjustments that are possible you can make in the address custom field settings.

    in reply to: Claim listing without creating WP account? #541968

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    1. Users need an account so they can have a link between their account and the listing.

    2. Use GD Author Actions in the listing widget sidebar to show an edit link. Use GD Dashboard in the footer to show links where users can see their listings. Use UsersWP to make profiles with lists of the users listings.

    in reply to: Issues with importing listings #541967

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    If you want to import new listings the listings should have no ‘ID’ in the sheet.

    in reply to: Region name and slug #541966

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    You can change region data by exporting it, changing it in Libre or Open office, then import again.

    The map API you use on your site is the ‘reference’ and you should use values for the region name that are the same as what is returned by the maps API.

    in reply to: How to hide search field in home page only #541964

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Add a class that targets the home page like

    body.home .gd-search-field-near {
    display: none;
    in reply to: Geocoding from Address on Import not working #541963

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Excellent, thanks for letting us know

    in reply to: Excessive white space after videos #541962

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    We add some padding under videos. You can change it with CSS. We do that so different providers all look good.

    You can search our forum for CSS examples to adjust that to meet your needs or post a link to a page with the issue so we can take a look.

    in reply to: Changing number of items per page shown in gd_loop #541961

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Divi has it’s own setting for that in the theme options.

    See their docs for more info.

    in reply to: Placeholder text for Search Place #541960

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    I think you will probably want to place something like a table about the search bar and add your custom text there.

    There isn’t a placeholder for the CPT select because it is always active.

    You can change ‘Categories’ by adjusting the field label and the properties in the advance search tab.

    in reply to: Change Search Selection Highlight Colour #541959

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    .gd-suggestions-dropdown ul li:hover {
        background-color: pink;
    in reply to: No Fixed Location / Service Areas #541958

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    The search is only through one CPT at a time and doesn’t work the way you have outlined.

    Address fields are required. You can choose to include the online businesses in the same CPT, then give them an option to hide their address on the listings, which requires that you make some effort to set up dynamic visibility for the address.

    To do that you would use GD Dynamic Content to display the address or map, as needed, based on a field value. Examples are here:

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