b budd

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  • in reply to: Custom post Misses Some Posts #1701

    b budd
    Post count: 50

    trying to upload again SQL as with image exceeded allowed size

    in reply to: Custom post Misses Some Posts #1699

    b budd
    Post count: 50

    I decided to delete the CUSTOM POST TYPES for reasons above of MISSED ENTRIES and start clean.

    As I added CUSTOM POST TYPES I instantly noticed a problem and looked at my database.

    To my surprise ALL the deleted database entries still existed as if never deleted at all!!

    At this point I can not do anything with wpgeodirectory as CUSTOM POST TYPES are a critical function and are broken. Seems a checking routine is missing?

    I am including a CURRENT screen shot of the new creations and the CURRENT database for you to preview for analysis as to issue.

    warmly brian
    PS I TOTALLY love the wpgeodirectory …. & appreciate a fix as soon as possible

    in reply to: Custom post Misses Some Posts #1643

    b budd
    Post count: 50

    forgot to mention if you want access to sql site etc just let me know

    in reply to: Sorting order of Custom Post types #1642

    b budd
    Post count: 50

    could you add in order option 1 2 3 4 etc. so can sort alphabeticaly or by order desired please?

    in reply to: Compatible themes requests #1600

    b budd
    Post count: 50

    stroudsco LOVE YOUR SITE simialr to what I am doing in concept, but your way, way ahead. I did notice one thing and just in case to give you a ‘heads up’ , the new directory in Manage Custom Post Types
    Allows you to create a ‘LAMINATE’ CATEGORY like PLACES you can then create sub categories under it and when LAMINATE is selected show ONLY the subs in popular categories of LAMINATE not all the popular categories. This was essential to me!
    It operates different then normal menu categories and has advanced uses.
    I notice this on the http://wpgeo.directory/ for HOTELS, but had done a lot of my site before figuring out, Big thanks to Vikas for explaining, but had to wipe out site and start over :).
    NOTE: On index page I would like to get the search bar up top and can not figure out how? As your software and mine are same developer let me know if a solved I suspect your wanting this as well and if I solve first will let you know.. if you may not want it it will just be a css thing I think but sadly I am not that good at it.
    warmly brian

    in reply to: Compatible themes requests #1598

    b budd
    Post count: 50

    sorry my spelling error sarify = sahifa theme
    same developer as Jarida
    highly compatable developer for the wpdirectory with buddypress, BBforum, WPML, fully responsive

    in reply to: Compatible themes requests #1541

    b budd
    Post count: 50

    WOW thanks DAVE this was a annoying FLEX thing I was trying to get fixed…

    ‘the flex slider above issue is due to the word hidden being used in the plugins flex sliders css – using firefox will point you right to the problem, a simple change to inherit will fix the slider.’
    Appreciate the advise.. thanks
    PS would love to see your site can you post a link?

    in reply to: Compatible themes requests #1370

    b budd
    Post count: 50

    liquidia I am user, however I took exception to your arrogance.
    Managed hosting really?? Well if you looked at the existing documentation you would see its recommended NOT to use caching, it is advised to use nginx and if your ordering real managed hosting you would be able to order exactly the server system and resources you need.

    Documentation tales time, They have worked their butts off getting the software out and as a new release there are bugs coming in I notice getting fixed almost instantly. On top of that are all the user comments and requests I am sure they look at.

    If you had issue why not report as a BUG, instead of yapping?

    Everyone does not like lawyers.. that a fact, now I know why. Complaining, whining, arrogant and not helpful at all.

    in reply to: Compatible themes requests #1369

    b budd
    Post count: 50

    Both avada and enfold are great themes.

    My vote would be Sarifa from theme forest- due to magazine format and multiple ads for multi purpose and of course more.

    My site will be more like this one:
    A MORE magazine and Directory than Usual directory

    Sarifa seems to work very well with geodirectory already, the main issue I am having is the index page code for slideshow is not working as a widget I assume a minor issue conflict. Sarifa supports buddypress, woo coommerce, wpml and bbpress.

    I have a couple of test sites and can set up sarifa for you to look over and play with anytime, just o see if its of interest, for as long as you require, also can give you mysql phpmyadmin control panel etc.

    in reply to: RE popular categories #1053

    b budd
    Post count: 50

    WOW THANK YOU SO MUCH I WAS SO CONFUSED. monster help appreciated

    in reply to: detail page CSS issue for images #871

    b budd
    Post count: 50

    found it SOLVED — anyone else with same issue its from your new theme style.css NOT A BUG

    in reply to: WpGD Customization and Theme integration #869

    b budd
    Post count: 50

    suggest you try try odesk.com or freelancer.com or elance.com for hiring

    in reply to: HOW TO ? (from your demo) #790

    b budd
    Post count: 50

    I played a lot with settings… could I pay for your time and have you set up correctly would not mind giving a 20 or 30 dollar donation at all! to get this fixed and discuss.

    in reply to: HOW TO ? (from your demo) #789

    b budd
    Post count: 50

    1) in DEMO: Right Homepage: My Dashboard, you show login and email fields.
    >> SOLVED THIS was just me not being logged out my silly:)

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