Bruce Hoppe

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  • in reply to: Fill in business details goes into wrong fields #372880

    Bruce Hoppe
    Expired Member
    Post count: 37

    Hi Stiofan, maybe my post wasn’t clear. I understand the intent of the button but it is not working correctly. Surely the first thing I’d want populated would be the address and lat/long? And yet these are not populated. Instead the name and description of my post is changed to be identical to what it’s linked to. If I linked “Joe’s concert” to “Jean’s Auditorium” that would change the name of “Joe’s Concert” to “Jean’s Auditorium” without actually giving Joe’s concert a location. Surely that is incorrect?

    in reply to: location unknown on iOS 10 #372879

    Bruce Hoppe
    Expired Member
    Post count: 37

    Thanks, this is very helpful

    in reply to: show email enquiry in listing page #372095

    Bruce Hoppe
    Expired Member
    Post count: 37

    thanks, Stiofan. I get it now.

    I suggest fixing the GD user interface so that it does not offer the option of putting the email field on the listing page, or any other place that is not in fact supported

    in reply to: Search for events happening now #371865

    Bruce Hoppe
    Expired Member
    Post count: 37

    I did some testing. It seems that the “Past” and “Upcoming” lists are based simply on the day without regard to hour or minute. It would be so much better if these worked with *time* instead of just *day*. Is this possible?

    Also I would like to link performers to events, but it seems I am prohibited from linking anything to an event. This is an unfortunate restriction and may make events useless to my situation.

    in reply to: GZIP compression #371505

    Bruce Hoppe
    Expired Member
    Post count: 37

    Thanks, Stiofan. that is promising, but I am not entirely re-assured. My phpInfo says zlib output compression is off. And if I edit php.ini and turn off zlib output compression (simply reversing GD booster instructions for turning it on), that checkgzipcompression site *still* says my output compression is enabled. So no matter what I do, I seem to get the same conflicting info regarding the status of my zlib output compression. I also went to my W3 total cache settings, and toggled the gzip compression checkbox in the browser cache section, and observed no effect on checkgzipcompression.

    the PHPinfo values I am observing are
    zlib support enabled
    zlib.output_compression off (both master and local)

    shouldn’t the compression value be “on”?

    thanks for your help!

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