Elena Rodriguez
Forum Replies Created
Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 76 total)
Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 76 total)
Hello? can help me?
I didnt’ understood what did you make. Can you explain me what steps did you follow? the name of the menu you clicked. Thank you.
i am using firefox with the empty cache button add on.
I am now in terrasa, a place next to barcelona, but the first restaurant of the list is in an island.
yess, i clicked on allow button, but it didn’t worked.
the near me places showed in the next page are wrong too. Theeay aren’t the closest places.
In this url:
Instructions in screenshot
i updated the plugin with my license and resave gd permanlinks and wp permanlinks but it still doesen’t works 🙁
Ummm… it is not working for me. A click the “save changes” button with the configuration of the screenshot, but i still have two places in the same place.
I think i didnt understood 🙁
Hello! i had this error one more time. Now i know how to prevent it, but i don’t know how to correct the broken links.
When you say:
I re-saved your WP Permalinks and corrected the GD Permalinks.
I know how to resave the permanlinks but can you explain me how to correct the GD permanlinks?
Thank you. It is working 🙂
Thank you. It is working:)
Mpppff… you are right 🙁
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