giuseppe cuttone
Forum Replies Created
February 20, 2017 at 4:44 pm in reply to: Import Time of Facebook page with Social Importer Addon #362690
Hi Kor, thanks for your reply. When you say:
will be reviewed for a future update
What means?
1.1. You will add this feature in the next update (in a few weeks).
1.2. You wull add this feature when you will find same hours for develope this feature (maybe in 3 months or in 6 months aproximatelly).
1.3. If others users will ask for this feature, so you will start to work in it for to add this feature.
In addition to that, I have another question. In facebook, time is showed for each day in a diferents fields. In geodirectoty third party addon, there is the GD BUSINESS HOURS ADDON (developed by @jeff) that show time for each day in a differents fields. So the other questions are:
2.1. Social importer will import day/hours of closed/opened in a individual field (all the information in the same field)?
2.2. Social Importer will import day/hours of closed/opened only in GD BUSINESS HOURS ADDON?
2.3. Both of 1 and 2 will be developed.
I do all this questions only for understand better how you will work for to resolve TIME IMPORTER problem.
I hope your answar.
Thanks for your support.Hi Paolo,
Guust are right when he say me how do not send mails for edit post. It is ok.
You are also right when you say me:you cannot do what you want without a customization
But is strange that the developer maked an checkbox option (YES/NO) for SEND/DONT SEND mails for edit posts, and did not make an checkbox option (YES/NO) for SEND/DONT SEND mails for published / submited post. I find that like a strange situation… However, just like I writed in the previously post, I have found a solution for do not send mail for published post, and the solution is delete the message. But it is also strange that after deleting the text of the message, it come back to be showed…
The last thing is that I do not understand the function of all the option listed in the section:
Notification=>Site Bcc options. What is the difference between to select YES or No for this options (Send to friend, Send enquiry, Expire listings, and so on)?
For example for the SEND TO FRIENDS Option, it seams there is no difference between YES or NO. But I am sure I am wrong, so I-d like know your instruction.
Thanks for your support.Hi Guust,
I have understood what you say.
But the problem is that I do not want send notification mail to “wp admin mail” and to “wp author mail” when a new listing is published.
I have got that deleting the default message in:
1. Notification=>Admin emails=>Post submit success to admin email
2. Notification=>Client emails=>Post submit success to client email
But the problem is the following: when I delete the two default messages and to do clic in SAVE, message will be showed anotherone into the field in the admin area… Messages is really deleted, and mail are not sent, but in the field messages are showed.
I do not think this is the normal behavior, I think there is something wrong.
Maybe geodirectory developer should see that.
Please let me know.ok, off course…
So, from your reply I understand that you do not want extende “Marker Cluster Addon” to CPT page.
is it so?
Thanks.Hi @paolo
thanks for your reply.
All is clear.
I have spoken with the developers of:
They have confirmed me that will work in a compatible version from GeoDirecotry and “yith infinite scrolling”.
They also told me that in the next 3 months are involved in others works, and they going to work in compatibility after the next 3 months. So I suppose in summer it should be ready.
At this time “Marker Cluster Addon” does not run in CPT page because it would not make sense (as a general rule administrator setthe number of post in one page from 5 to 10, so there are only a few listings in the map).
But now, with this news about Infinite Scroll in Geodirectory, it will be interesting for the administror to have a “CHECK BOX” in dashboard for enable (if user want…) “Marker Cluster Addon” also in CPT pages.
So my question is:
If “yith infinite scrolling” will runs in GeoDirecotry, can we have the “Marker Cluster Addon” also working in CPT pages?
Or maybe, does it is too complicated for @stiofan to do run “Marker Cluster Addon” also in CPT pages?
Let me know. I hope your answer.
Thanks for your support.Hi @paolo
Thanks for your reply:
1. When you say:That plugin will not populate the map too
Do you refer to the plugin I mentioned in my first post (
Are there in the wordpress repository “INFINITE SCROLL PLUGIN” that can populate the map?
Do you know what plugin can populate the map?
I think there is no Infinite Scroll Plugin that can populate the map without customization because if I scroll in the listings in the down zone , they will be opened, but if I return to scroll in the up zone, it will return to PAGE 1, so the map will only show listing of PAGE 1.
If you know a plugin that can populate the map, or that is more compatible with GeoDirectory I will thank you for your suggestion.
2. I consider INFINITE SCROLL is a very powerfull feature that should be introduced in the CORE of GeoDIrectory, so I have posted a new request for feature in this page:
But I can not see it. Maybe do I need wait your approvation … ?
3. I take the occasion to suggest you to make replies in the first 20 most populate “feature request”. The problem is that there are REQUEST with a lot of VOTES (500, 400, 250, 200 and so on …) and there are not included in the PROGRESS section. So I think it’s very important to have update information for each very populate REQUEST. It is enought a simple reply of you in each REQUEST saing for example:
A) is not possible to make (very complicated codification)
B) have not been taken into consideration because …
C) we will work in it in the next months
4. You can indicate if there is a publication with a PLAN OF WORK of Geodirectory Team. I know you are working in INVOICE PLUGIN, after that you will work in Geodirectory APP. But this is an information that I have understood reading information in differently posts. I think it’s very important to have a calendar with the next works.
Is the calendar published in any page?
Alternatively can you do a resume of PLAN OF WORK in this post.Thanks for your support.
Hi @paolo and @korchung,
Paolo are right. If I upload pictures via FTP in the correct media folder (month/year), pictures will be showed in listings pages.
Two months ago I uploaded pictures using a plugin in order to make the pictures with a special categorie. I forget that I need upload pictures from http://FTP... So, the most problable is that the error is generated from this plugin…
Now, Id like understand if all run well in my web:
CASE 1: If I upload in first time the csv, in the media section will be showed the pictures with a gray icon. If after csv I upload the pictures from FTP, in the media section the gray icon will remain in gray (I add picture 1).
CASE 2: If I upload in first time the picture from FTP, in the media section will not be showed the pictures. If after picture I upload the csv, in the media section the picture will be showed with preview (I add picture 2).
So, my QUESTION 1 is the following:
Is it that a normal behavior?In your documentation ( you suggest to do the following:
First: import csv
Second: upload pictures from FTPSo, my QUESTION 2 is the following:
If I invert them, and I do the following:
First: upload pictures from FTP
Second: import csv
Do I will have problems?
If this is no a problem, why do you suggest a solution that can not show “PREVIEW” in media section. To have a PREVIEW in media section is better than to have a gray icon.Let me know.
Thanks for your support.This reply has been marked as private.Hi @paolo
I have fixed the http error in my web using
Now you can see that in the URL bar is showed the green padlock. So https is OK.
But I continue with the same problem. The geolocation is lost when I change CPT into GD>Serch widget.
Concretely, when I change CPT the text “Near: Me” into “NEAR FIELD” will disappear.
You can also see the difference in the two link:
1. If I do not change default CPT, I can find into the link where I will be redirected the text “+&snear=Near%3A+Me” and also my coordinates “&sgeo_lat=41.9709752&sgeo_lon=2.821803”
2. And when I change the default CPT to other CPT, in the link where I will be redirected I can find only “+&snear” and there is no coordinates &sgeo_lat=&sgeo_lon=For understand what I say, please return to read my first post where I have done an example. But if you repeat my example in my web you will find NO LISTINGS… you must to do test in your web.
I also have done a test in
I have given permission for geolocation
I have gone to the following page:
And in the NEAR FIELD is automatically showed “Near: User defined”
But when I change CPT into GD>SEARCH from default CPT (HOTELS) to other CPT (for example RESTAURANT), into the NEAR FIELD the text “Near: User defined” disappear.I hope your answer.
December 6, 2016 at 9:16 pm in reply to: How Connect "GD>GMap-Home Page" widget with "GD>Search" widget #320223Ok, I understand you.
You say:1 CPT must be selected by default or the search form won’t know which categories and custom fields to load.
But it is not necessary show/load categories if CPT is no selected, of course.
Categories not showed/loaded, I think it is not a problem.
Categories will be showed after select a CPT.
The problem is when user are redirected to pages, and they do not understand where, due the default selected no detected from the user.The solution I have thought run like I explain following:
1. When CPT is in “NO SELECTED” position => categories are not loaded and if user to do click in the button for to start the search, a message will say: “For to start a search, please select a CPT”
2. When user select the CPT he want, categories will charged automatically and user will be able to do click in the button for to start the search.
I do not know if this solution is possible (codeable) and if you and the developer (@stiofan) likes this option.
The advantage of this solution is to help the user in understand how run the SEARCH TOOL. If you provide at the user a default option of CPT, but when the user to do click in CPT located in the MAP => the CPT in the SEARCH TOOL is not updated, so maybe that the better solution is no provide a default CPT.
I hope you like this solution. I think it is better that the actual solution.
Thanks for your support.Ok,
I will have a look to
Thank you very very very much for your support.Hi @paolo
thanks for your reply.
I have seen that there are something no correct in my web about http and https.
Do you know some link for to learn to fix my web?
Can you sent me it if you know it?
Thanks for your support.December 6, 2016 at 10:12 am in reply to: Search addon only show listings into the selected city #319786Thanks very much for your reply.
You can mark this topic like resolved.Hi @paolo
have you done a look into the plugin I suggest you for Buddypress notifications?
Are you continue thinking is complicated to add Buddypress notification into Geodirectory?
Or maybe after have a look now you think it is not soo complicated, and you will add this feature in the netxs updates?
I hope it is no soo complicated…
Please, let me knowOk, I have read it. In this page there is not information about “black friday coupon code”.
Only there is a coupon for membership (10PERCENT2016).
So my question are:
1. What is the black friday coupon code?
2. I have to wait until Friday to have the code and also to buy?
3. If I can buy 1 addon using the coupon code. Can I retourn to buy another addon with the same coupon code?Thanks