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  • in reply to: All cities #5396

    Post count: 29970

    As far as I know, adding all custom type posts on the same map is not possible, because of server restrictions or something.
    I’ll invite Vikas to explain it better if required, he is one of the smarter ones around here 🙂

    in reply to: How to Hide Custom Fields Widgets #5395

    Post count: 29970
    in reply to: Duplicate Content on Listing Tabs #5393

    Post count: 29970

    That is what all the settings are for in custom fields:

    To add/remove a custom field to the More Info tab: set Show On Detail Page to yes/no

    To add/remove a custom field to the Sidebar: set Show In Sidebar to yes/no

    To add/remove a custom field to Listings pages: set Show On Listing Page to yes/no

    You can have any combination you like.

    I’ll set this topic to resolved.

    in reply to: Help required after upgrading #5369

    Post count: 29970

    Please submit your WP admin details in a private message.

    in reply to: Change Every Where to Everywhere #5368

    Post count: 29970

    @ Paulo
    Please start a new topic for a new problem, don’t take over others’ topics.
    Go here to submit your details:

    in reply to: Map on Listing sidebar does not show listings #5367

    Post count: 29970

    I have ticked the auto-zoom in the relevant widget. Should be fixed.

    in reply to: Duplicate Content on Listing Tabs #5366

    Post count: 29970

    If you go to the Special offers custom field and set “show on detail page” to NO, then the Special Offers will have their own tab and will not be copied to the downloads/more info tab.
    Have you tried it?

    Am I misunderstanding?

    in reply to: All cities #5365

    Post count: 29970

    @ m forbes
    Listings and events will be different custom post types, so they cannot be displayed on the same map.
    Only (sub)categories of a custom post type can be shown on the same map at the same time.
    If you want to use the location switcher (which you don’t have to) you should be able to choose the region? Like Purpleedge says, tick the “everywhere” box in your admin: that will add “Everywhere” above the list of cities so visitors can see all cities.

    in reply to: Geolocation don´t work #5364

    Post count: 29970

    Firstly, I’ll try to explain what I wrote earlier: “The Geolocator will take you to the town that is in the database and that is closest to you”.

    I’ll use the US since we are all vaguely familiar with that country.
    Assume we have only 2 listings: an place in New York and an event in Los Angeles.
    If I am in Hawaii and visit the site with Geolocator switched on, the system will:
    1. recognise I am in Hawaii
    2. go to the database and find the closest place to Hawaii: that is Los Angeles
    3. So the website will go to the page for Los Angeles and show the event listing, and the Location Manager indicator in your menu will show you are in Los Angeles.

    @ julian
    Your geolocation is working fine. I am in Australia and your website thinks Tarragona is closest to me.
    Have a look at the theme of your site (appearance > themes). It was set to GDF yesterday, so I changed it to GDF child.

    Your website should ask whether you want to share your location with the site. It will ask this always on the first visit, unless you have accepted “always”. If you say yes, the site would go to the closest location in the database.

    Can you open your own topic and give us your WP admin details?

    Does it take you to the closest location in the database? It cannot take you anywhere that is not in the database.

    in reply to: Styling Issues with 1.0.5 #5362

    Post count: 29970

    Hi Trex888, your theme CSS styling is overtaking the Location Manager styling.
    I’ll forward this to Stiofan, he might need to tweak the Location Manager CSS.

    in reply to: Entering an address error #5361

    Post count: 29970

    Phonebook, all geolocations are by address, city, region, country.
    So if you want to be able to add sites everywhere, then you need enable multi city, region, country.
    You would only disable any of these, if you want to have a site only for one country, or for one region, or for one city.

    in reply to: I believe date picker stop working #5360

    Post count: 29970

    Nasc, what do you have in the “date format” field of the custom field.
    I had a look on my test site, and it seems that it is not accepting some of the codes anymore.
    I’ll forward to Vikas.

    Post count: 29970

    Hi Jason, GD is a plugin, not a theme.
    Once GD is activated, you should have all GD widgets in your WP widget page. Build your pages like that.

    If you want to restyle the GD wrapper, why not just change the style for the wrapper in your child theme’s style.css rather than changing plugin files? ALl your changes will be lost in any upgrade.

    The current docs are here, but like purplededge says: under construction …

    I hope I understood what you were after …

    in reply to: Auto update #5358

    Post count: 29970

    I’ll alert Vikas for this one.

    in reply to: Dutch adres syntax #5357

    Post count: 29970

    Hi Sal, I alerted Vikas, but as far as I know, it should be in the child theme’s functions.php.
    Try never to touch the files of a theme or a plugin unless you really have to, all changes will be deleted when you upgrade your plugin.

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