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  • in reply to: Wishlist /Suggestions #3240

    Post count: 29970

    The option is there now to lock the map I guess: allow mouse scroll zoom?
    But that does not differentiate between small screens and larger screens.

    One thing I find annoying is sites that think I am on a mobile phone when I am viewing their site on my tablet. Rather than serving their full site they serve the mobile version, although I have a full screen.

    in reply to: URL link for frontend "Add Event" #3238

    Post count: 29970

    your domain url/add-listing/?listing_type=gd_event

    See and see where the link takes you?

    in reply to: Map Level/Granularity #3205

    Post count: 29970

    WP admin > appearance > widgets > find your GD map widgets > map zoom

    in reply to: Backgroundcolor for GD #3170

    Post count: 29970

    .geodir-widget {
    background-color: #your color;

    in reply to: Backgroundcolor for GD #3168

    Post count: 29970

    I think it is your theme that might need a background color.
    Add `body {
    background-color: #your color;
    [I looked at the code of and the valenti theme does not seem to have a background-color set]

    in reply to: Header menu missing from GD Framework #3124

    Post count: 29970

    You have to set a menu location in your theme settings.

    in reply to: 24-hour clock on Events please #3093

    Post count: 29970

    Just a note: It looks like changing WP admin > settings > general > time will change the time of an event to 24h format when displayed to visitors, but when adding an event it still uses a AM-PM format.

    in reply to: Compatible themes requests #3056

    Post count: 29970

    Johan, this is my site, just using the GD child theme. All it would need is a but of CSS tweaking to make it look exactly like Avada by the looks of it, and it is free (for GD users).
    [Disclaimer: Never used Avada, so don’t know why it is that popular]

    in reply to: External Listing Purchases #3055

    Post count: 29970

    You can restrict the fields for any user by picking the fields from Post fields in Prices and payments plugin. But that would be the same for a paid or free member.
    Regarding the first question, I guess you can create coupons that are automatically available to your paid members only?
    Another option is to create a special custom post type, and then provide a link to Add that post type in your paid member area only?

    Just a few thoughts …

    in reply to: Wrong Street Formatting in German #3001

    Post count: 29970

    You can set the address on the map, and then change the street input before saving. In my tests that keeps the location on the map, and keep the desired input in the address field. This will not work for users of course.

    So a +1 from me.

    I would also like the address field to be optional, for those businesses that have not a physical presence; that would enable them to just add the city, but not the street address. See also

    in reply to: Menu display categ ex: Restaurant > Asian > Sushi #2980

    Post count: 29970

    I think you can only have custom post types in there, unless you build your own menu like you did.

    in reply to: Vertical Images #2972

    Post count: 29970

    Stiofan, they are a stack of boxes, that stand on the floor. It looks like all the boxes and the floor has fallen over. What computer or glasses are you using? 🙂

    But I think it must be a problem with dragonfly’s photo. I had a go myself at and

    In both cases it works fine.

    in reply to: Cannot pick category #2937

    Post count: 29970

    Problem solved: ended up being a bit brave and delete the “bad” category and created a new one. Seems not to give any issues so far.

    in reply to: Membership Plugin Compatibility? #2932

    Post count: 29970

    The Claim plugin redirects non-logged in users to /?geodir_signup=true
    So I ended up changing all references to /?geodir_signup=true in geodir_claim_functions.php to my membership registration page, so the claims links now redirects to s2member registration.

    That made me think that all GD needs is an option to override/change any link to the registration and login pages?

    in reply to: Wishlist /Suggestions #2898

    Post count: 29970

    @ sputnik

    Wish-list # 2. Option to display the map on top for listing page.

    Like this??

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