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Wishlist item #5668854 🙂
Currently when getting GoogleMap directions from a listing page, the directions default to miles.
It would be nice if that can be changed somehow somewhere sometime:Default: miles/kilometers
Display choice: yes/noSee attachment
I have solved this to some extent with a bit of CSS, look at the attached image.
The CSS is#country, #region {
visibility: hidden;
#city {
width: 200px !important;
margin-top: -45px;
}That does not solve the problem when adding a listing, and CSS only won’t fix that, but at least that defaults to my region and country as per the default location setting.
Have a look at
Attractions, Hotels and Restaurants are custom post types; Events is a special custom post type.
Landmarks and museums are categories in the custom post type Attractions at[PS: I am just a happy customer living in a different timezone, trying to help out where I can :)]
Hi Bobby
I think all the developers are very busy trying to get the main stuff running optimal.
In the meantime, I have got everything to work with s2member without changing any of the plugin coding (that usually gives too much trouble in the future).I have removed all the links to the GD login/register pages
I use the plugin as a replacement for the GD login widget, this allows users to interact direct with s2member instead of GD
s2member has a profile page, for which I set up a special template and then added
<?php dynamic_sidebar(‘geodir_author_right_sidebar’);?>
to the sidebar of the profile page, so that is how I integrated the My favorites and My events etc
I have removed the GD “add listing” from the main menu, and replaced it with a link to the profile page; this sends users to s2member and will have to login first
From their profile page, they then have all the GD links like add, edit, favorites etc.
I don’t know whether this can work with other membership plugins but I guess there might be a simple solution; you got to think outside the box.It looks like iMember has heaps of shortcodes ready, which you could use to replace the GD login widgets. But we can always just be patient 🙂
May 17, 2014 at 6:40 am in reply to: Just did the latest update and every place, post, blog has be renamed Location? #2366Thanks, problem solved, no harm done 🙂
To change the spacings you have to play with your CSS, just add something like this to /wp-content/themes/My-Child-Theme/style.css
.hentry header {
padding: 5px;
I’ve done a similar thing at
I had the same problem, so I created a child theme,
Then create a copy of /wp-content/themes/GeoDirectory Framework/page.php in /wp-content/themes/My-Child-Theme/
Activate your child theme the usual way in WP admin
Then go to appearance > eiditor > and edit /wp-content/themes/My-Child-Theme/page.php: remove this line:
<p class=”byline vcard”> <?php printf( __( ‘Posted <time class=”updated” datetime=”%1$s” >%2$s</time> by <span class=”author”>%3$s</span>’, GEODIRECTORY_FRAMEWORK ), get_the_time(‘c’), get_the_time(get_option(‘date_format’)), get_the_author_link( get_the_author_meta( ‘ID’ ) )); ?> </p>
Looking at the database:
I had a geodir_gd_Accommodation_detail table (note the capital A) and a geodir_gd_accommodation_detail table
I deleted the geodir_gd_Accommodation_detail (note the capital A) table
I notice that in the other detail tables there are about 40 columns in the table.
In the geodir_gd_accommodation_detail table there are only 24 columns.
All the location related columns are missing: address, lng, lat, city, region etc.
I checked the Accommodation settings and all the fields like address etc seem to be fine.
I guess I could delete the CPT and create a new Accommodation CPT, but rather wait for your advice, might be safer!This reply has been marked as private.May 16, 2014 at 10:44 pm in reply to: Just did the latest update and every place, post, blog has be renamed Location? #2345Same here, see attachment
Still have troubles do, I can’t add an address, it just refuses to be saved.
I’ll keep looking, and keep you up to date.
Let me know if you want access details.Solved!
Somehow I entered Accommodation (capital A) as a slug a while ago, and later corrected it to accommodation (lower case a).
This created gd_Accommodationcategory (capital A) in the geodir_custom_fields table instead of gd_accommodationcategory (lower case a).
So everything just got confused.
I worked it out because there was nothing in “select taxonomy” in the relevant field in Accommodation Settings.
Sorry for the trouble (but maybe disallow capitals in the slug field to stop people like me messing things up 🙂 )PS: it also messed up all the other fields, I had to replace all gd_Accommodation with gd_accommodation.
Works just right.
Now you can actually even let your customers choose whether they want “Send to friend” by creating two identical packages except for this option. Clever!Vikas, it seems to work fine now. Thanks!