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  • in reply to: Override WPGeo Styles #2011

    Post count: 29970

    Thanks for that, John.
    But is that not the function of the style.css file of a child theme?
    Often, even when using a child theme, I find myself having to use !important because that is the only way to override some plugin CSS. Would your solution prevent that?
    I guess using CSS specificity would also fix that.
    [and for those who wonder what that means, I found this explains it quickly: ]

    in reply to: Wishlist /Suggestions #1953

    Post count: 29970

    I realise one of GD’s main features is the maps, but some listings might not want to show a psychical address, for example a plumber wants you to know his phone number, town etc, but not his street address.
    There should be a possibility for the street address to be optional somehow. I realise you can just put the marker somewhere in the middle of the town, but then the address field is populated with an incorrect address.
    A problem I can see with my suggestion is that if a few people just add the town as their location (for example the plumber, electrician and carpenter), then the town location might become a bit cluttered. But maybe the marker cluster addon solves that?


    in reply to: How to Adjust Transparent Menu Bar Below Map #1867

    Post count: 29970

    How to activate the transparent menu?

    You got to have at least one custom post type activated, I think. It seems you only have one custom type, Places.

    in reply to: Show subcategories inside listing pages #1833

    Post count: 29970

    Thanks Vikas.
    GD actually seems to support categories as deep as WP allows, but then you cannot use some of the map features and ajax selectors.
    So practically, you indeed can only use custom post type and 2 level of categories in it, which really gives you a 3 deep structure which should be enough.

    in reply to: GeoDirectory Framework Theme Beta released #1825

    Post count: 29970
    in reply to: Membership Plugin Compatibility? #1796

    Post count: 29970
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: How Can I Remove Sort Function on Pages? #1782

    Post count: 29970

    Ah, must be from the review addon 🙂

    in reply to: How Can I Remove Sort Function on Pages? #1779

    Post count: 29970

    That is a comment sorting form.
    It seems you have a comment plugin that has a function that allows sorting.
    De-activate that or do whatever you need to do in that comment plugin, and see how you go.

    in reply to: Membership Plugin Compatibility? #1778

    Post count: 29970

    Thanks for that info, Paolo.
    From my limited knowledge, here are a few additional points:

    • Membership registration plugins use different custom roles for the membership levels.
    • Membership registration pages usually want more info from users than GD; Name etc
    • I guess that GD uses the author role or something similar.
    • So all it needs maybe is for the registration and login links to go to the membership plugin pages, and for the GD author role to be able to be assigned to one of the lower membership levels.
    • More than basic coding is not my forte, but I’d be happy to work with Vikas to get something working on my test site, whenever he is ready for it.
    in reply to: GeoDirectory Framework Theme Beta released #1765

    Post count: 29970

    Created a full width page, ‘t was simple enough:

    Here is the result:

    in reply to: search and scroller under googlemaps… #1764

    Post count: 29970

    Have you added an advanced search filter at Geodirectory > Place settings > Advance Search?
    Also, it looks like you have removed the search widget from your listings pages: Appearance > widgets > add GD search to GD listing top section.

    in reply to: Add Images on listings Missing from Update V1.0.1 #1756

    Post count: 29970

    I concur with Dave, that is kind of what I meant 🙂
    You can’t leave “Image limit” empty; empty seems to mean zero.

    in reply to: GeoDirectory Framework Theme Beta released #1755

    Post count: 29970

    I’ll have a look. But I would be a bit worried about how that integrates with GDF …

    in reply to: How to Adjust Transparent Menu Bar Below Map #1754

    Post count: 29970

    Add margin-top: -40px; as per below in your CSS

    .map-places-listing {
    max-width: 100%;
    margin-top: -40px;

    Maybe Stiofan is fine-tuning the CSS for the next update, I bet he will make these little improvements, and that is maybe why his site looks different already.

    For your reference, you might try to get your head around the “Inspect element” feature of Firefox; that’ll help you understand the CSS and what to do about it:

    in reply to: GeoDirectory Framework Theme Beta released #1749

    Post count: 29970

    I would be nice to have a few choices of page layout; for example a full width at least.

    What I mean is for creating pages other than GD pages, that there would be a choice to have pages without a sidebar. Currently there is only one default page for WP pages, with sidebar.

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