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  • in reply to: Whoop! Beta Released #46568

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Great theme… Love it. Really nice work.

    in reply to: IP2Location #46540

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    in reply to: IP2Location #46537

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    in reply to: IP2Location #46517

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    in reply to: IP2Location #46497

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    whatismyip.com uses digitalelement. I haven’t found them to be as accurate. They have me 7k from where I actually am – while ip2location has me within 400m. Perhaps their database is more accurate in the US as well.

    From my experience ip2location offers a fair service at a fair price – where digitalelement is more expensive and maxmind is also pretty good but they can be more costly as well.

    While I agree with you that doing a database lookup will never be as accurate as getting the physical location via the device, you have to look at the percentage of users who block their location by default or decline to provide it when prompted. It’s more than half.

    Understanding this, having an ip database as a fall back at least gets us in the ballpark.

    You have to think about user experience beyond that. With the goal of providing a “closer to” Yelp/Foursquare/Places-like experience, we should still have the ability to make a best-guess assumption for visitors who decline their location rather than simply choosing a default location which could put them on the other side of the planet.

    Again, these are subscription services as well. They cost money and they use database resources. I understand that not all of your clients are super serious or have real revenues with their sites. But those who are will probably find this to be valuable.

    I do think it’d be an interesting and valuable option for to at least provide this ability as a fallback when access to their device is declined.

    I’d also be willing to look at paying for the mod to have it implemented into the core so that everyone could enjoy it.

    Most of the heavy lifting has already been done because you have the lat/lon searching built in. Looking at their code instructions it’d be a simple call to the db to translate the ip to a more easily searchable number to decrease the tax on the database and then use the framework you already have.

    Further, they have an affiliate program that pays a 10% lifetime referral fee. You guys could use it as an income center to continue to bolster revenues and continue to build out the app.

    Be that as it may, all the GEOIP databases seem to work similarly – so giving users the option as to which service they want to use would probably also not be too big a task.

    After understanding my position, and the real benefits to the user experience, I’m curious to get your thoughts.


    in reply to: Share Location addon #45514

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Thanks Paolo,

    But if I say yes on my dev site I’m prompted on every page view thereafter…unless I permanently accept it.

    For those who don’t use the drop-down to permanently accept it, this isn’t great for usability.

    Sorry if I wasn’t clear.

    But I’m loving this app. I’ve been running directories since 1998 and I’m really happy with what you’ve done.

    Got some tweaking and more learning to do to get things precisely how I want them – but so far – well done! 😉

    in reply to: Share Location addon #45344

    Lifetime Member
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    in reply to: Share Location addon #45342

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Perhaps I just posted this to the wrong thread.

    The same applies though now that it is included in the core though. There is likely little reason to continuously request the geolocation from the browser if you can set it for the session upon first acknowledgement by the user.


    in reply to: Share Location addon #45286

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Why not simply set the location in a cookie if the user agrees to share it. Then key off the cookie if it exists.

    Unless we are giving real-time walking directions proximity is probably OK.

    The cookie could be set to expire immediately in the event “real-time” location is needed, otherwise it could expire in 3 hours or 3 days.


    in reply to: Revisions support with Email Post Changes plugin #45235

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Paolo, did Stiofan ever get this resolved? I’m going to need revisions for my listings. In the past we have had people with malicious intent come in and damage listings, delete content, etc.

    in reply to: Split: Custom fields based on place categories #45180

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    So I’m wondering if ti would be possible to show/hide certain fields based on category selections using JS/CSS.


    In my situation I have Ice Skating Rinks, Roller Skating Rinks and Curling Facilities.

    If someone chooses Ice Skating Rinks I have multi-select custom fields for:
    Number of Ice Surfaces: 1-20
    Surface Sizes: NHL, International, Non-regulation
    Activities: Ice Hockey, Figure Skating, Pick-up Hockey, etc.

    Or, if someone chooses Roller Skating Rink I have:
    Number of Roller Surfaces: 1-20
    Surface Types: Concrete, Wood, Synthetic
    Activities: Roller Hockey, Quad Hockey, Artistic Skating, Jam Skating, etc.

    Or, if someone chooses Curling Facility I have:
    Number of Curling Sheets: 1-20
    Curling Sheet Sizes: Regulation, Non-Regulation
    Activities: Curling, Curling Leagues, Curling Tournaments, etc.

    If a facility exclusively offers only one service, it’s not a big deal because I can now only display what’s appropriate.

    However, if a facility crosses the boundaries and offers more than one or all three it gets really ugly fast.

    So could I use JS to reveal certain classes or divs when a category is chosen?

    Just thinking out loud looking for an elegant solution.

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Thanks again. I ended up figuring it out after re-reading what you wrote.

    Can you think of a way to add a widget or JS code between two Custom Fields?

    I thought of maybe adding an HTML field and locking it down to admin only, however it doesn’t allow for a default value. That’s also not optimal either though should the default value be added to the database in the event it needed to be updated.

    Thanks again.

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Thank you Paolo…

    I’m halfway there… Here’s the code. Now to get a widget into the second area.

    Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? Is there another hook there?

    If anyone else wants to do this, here’s the code:

    //Create Detail Page Top Sidebar Widget to Page
    register_sidebar( array(
    	'id'          => 'geodir-details-sidebar-top',
    	'name'        => 'GD Details Sidebar Top',
    	'before_widget' => '<div class="geodir-company_info geodir-details-sidebar-top">',
    	'after_widget'  => '</div>',
    ) );
    // Add Detail Page Top Sidebar Widget to Page
    function details_sidebar_top ( $sidebar_top_content ) {
    	return $sidebar_top_content;
    add_filter( 'geodir_social_sharing_buttons_html', 'details_sidebar_top', 10, 1 );
    in reply to: CSS Issues with Genesis #45047

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Hi Amolin, how did you resolve this? The only way I’ve gotten things to display correctly is to change the theme compatibility to “Select Theme” – ie: none.

    Are you still using Dynamik and GeoDir?

    in reply to: Showing different types on the same map #44984

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