Kathy Long

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  • in reply to: Is there a way to make the archive page title dynamic? #540951

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    Checking back because I didn’t get a reply. What’s the status of this with you? I’m still not getting a dynamic title.

    in reply to: The logo field goes into the slider and looks horrible. #540950

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    Thanks. Will do.

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    If you need to log in to see this for yourself, I left the login credentials in another post. Do you have that still?

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    Since I have to add the filter manually, I also need to set the location manually. There is no field to select the city, or looks like, add the city slug. How do I do that manually? I tried this but it had no effect:

    [gd_listings post_type=”gd_place” post_limit=”15″ add_location_filter=”1″ sort_by=”az” title_tag=”h3″ layout=”3″ view_all_link=”1″ bottom_pagination=”1″ hide_if_empty=”1″add_location_filter=”1″ city_slug=”4,5,20,21″]

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    Alex, there is literally no location filter in my gd_listings shortcode builder. There are no post IDS either. I just read down below how to add the parameter manually though. I’ll do that.

    Screen Shot 2020-04-17 at 10.55.39 AM.png

    in reply to: The logo field goes into the slider and looks horrible. #540819

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    Alex, it’s all making sense to me now! Still have some problems.
    I got the logo out of the slider with this:

    [gd_post_images type=’slider’ ajax_load=’true’ slideshow=’true’ show_title=’true’ animation=’slide’ controlnav=’1′ types=”post_images” fallback_types=”0″]

    I added fallback_types=0 to keep my fallback default image from populating the slider.

    The problem I’m having now is with the sizing of the logo. I tried various different settings and had no success. You can see the HUGE logo at the bottom. https://supportyourtown.online/places/united-states/california/san-jose/services/kat-mouse/

    Here’s my code:

    [gd_post_images type=”image” ajax_load=”1″ show_title=”0″  types=”logo” fallback_types=”0″ image_size=”thumbnail” cover=”n”]

    SO HOW DO I GET THAT LOGO NOT TO RESIZE? I tried other options beside thumbnail.

    BTW, there is a bug. Even though I select “single_image” it still puts slideshow, animation, control and whatever other attributes that usually go with the slideshow. I deleted all that but it makes me think that maybe it’s missing the attribute that should show up when you choose single image. Or not.

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    I figured it out. GD Post meta did the trick.

    in reply to: Is there a way to make the archive page title dynamic? #540772

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: How do you put the address fields on one line? #540771

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    Awesome! Thanks!
    And in the process, I learned some other important stuff! I need to check out all your widgets!

    You can mark this resolved!

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    I’m probably not your typical user. Conversion optimization is my schtick, so having the ability to put a custom text field wherever I want is really important. I don’t want to put it in a tab. That would completely defeat the purpose of what I’m trying to accomplish.

    I know about the shortcode builder and I have to say, it’s brilliant!!! You guys rock. But my problem is my custom fields are not in the builder. So then what do I do? That’s really where I’m stuck here. I don’t need a filter or anything fancy. I just want my custom field to print to the page wherever I put it in the template.

    How is the question when it’s not available to me in your shortcode builder. Must be obvious, but I’m not getting that piece.

    Thanks so much!

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    I found out how to create a filter for the events in another forum post.

    What I was left looking for is how someone can add an event. Just found it. There is a link to that in the dashboard widget!!

    Could be helpful to others to add that to your events documentation page.

    Thanks, again!

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    Thanks, Alex. I figured out how this had to work last night. For what I’m trying to accomplish, it may be best for the businesses anyway. Just more work for me, but that’s fine!

    Please tell me how to filter by location. It’s not in my filter options when I use the shortcode generator.

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    It’s slowly dawning on me that maybe your software was only designed to be used in small areas like one city or one county. Maybe that’s why you can’t set your location and sort by category that way.

    Hoping I’m wrong. Looking forward to your reply. Thank you!

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    Let me try to make my concern simpler.

    The biggest problem with this software that I see now is this. I can’t find a way to sort by location and category.

    What is the point of having categories if it pulls up all your listings that you might have all over the world?

    You can only search by keyword and location, at least the way this theme was set up..

    That makes absolutely no sense to me. You wouldn’t leave out that functionality. it’s pretty much a useless directory if you did, so I think it must be me. I’m missing something. Thanks for your help.

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    Ok, this is starting to make more sense to me, but I still have questions and I don’t think I’m explaining them well.

    As to my #3, you said, ” Yes, you can filter it by location https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs-v2/design/gd-listings/

    That is actually not what I wanted to know. So let me describe what I’m trying to do to see if that will make more sense.

    I would like a page that lists just categories. The Location page did that but it showed them for ALL locations. No visitor will want to see all locations, making the Location page that was set up during the installation virtually unusable UNLESS before you get to this page, you will have them filtered by location.

    I have seen directories that can detect where you are when you get there, or let you set your location and then everything you do after that point is for that location. That’s necessary because no user wants to see everywhere!

    So how can I get a page of categories that are dynamically sorted OUT by your location when you land on that page?

    Does that make sense? If there is no way to do set location first, having any links to categories is useless, unless I’m missing something.

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