Forum Replies Created
This reply has been marked as private.April 22, 2020 at 10:34 am in reply to: How have full control of caching page of Add Listing page #541813
Hello Brigitte,
Add listing page is dynamic page so it must be exempted from caching.
Hi Olga,
Please check, i have applied patch on your site.
When address format is not fixed it is hard to remove duplicate string from the address. On Facebook pages & events has different address format, like some has full address with country name, country code, state code, zip etc.
User still have a option to update address and use desired street address in Address field.Thanks,
KiranThis reply has been marked as private.April 22, 2020 at 9:44 am in reply to: The 'tags' blank can't fill in with Chinese typing system. #541797This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Hello,
Try ajax_load=0 attribute in gd_post_images shortcode in archive item template.
Let us know how it goes.
KiranHi Rudi,
We have fixed issue to restrict near search within additional address location set in serach settings.
Provide us site link, admin & FTP credentials to apply patch.
KiranHi Birgit,
There was a incorrect translation for “You must login to post.” text. It has new line characters there which causes JavaScript errors and breaking GD blocks rendering.
I have fixed it from WPML > String Translation.
Please check and let us know.
KiranThis reply has been marked as private.Can you provide me screenshot & page url where you see issue?
1) Add following PHP snippet & above PHP snippet.
2) Go to http://YOUR-SITE.COM/?_gd_go_set_featured_image=1function gd_snippet_200421_init() { global $wpdb; if ( empty( $_GET['_gd_go_set_featured_image'] ) ) { return; } $post_types = geodir_get_posttypes(); foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) { $table = geodir_db_cpt_table( $post_type ); $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT post_id FROM {$table} WHERE ( post_status = 'publish' OR post_status = 'pending' ) AND featured_image IS NULL OR featured_image = '' ORDER BY post_id ASC" ); if ( ! empty( $results ) ) { foreach ( $results as $row ) { gd_snippet_resave_post_images( $row->post_id ); } } } echo 'DONE :-)'; exit; } add_action( 'init', 'gd_snippet_200421_init', 20 );
KiranHi Birgit,
To fix conflict i have added PHP snippet under Snippets > “Fix conflict with SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle”.
/* * Fix conflict with SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle. * * SiteOrigin Widgets uses own 'media_buttons' hook */ function gd_snippet_fix_siteorigin_conflict( $editor_id ) { global $shortcode_insert_button_once; if ( $shortcode_insert_button_once ) { $shortcode_insert_button_once = false; } } add_action( 'media_buttons', 'gd_snippet_fix_siteorigin_conflict', 0, 1 );
I have added this snippet on your live site.
Please check and let us know.
KiranHi Vivek,
Use following function to set featured image for post. This function will set featured image for single post. Use this function for all posts you want to set featured image.
/** * Re-save post images to set featured image. */ function gd_snippet_resave_post_images( $post_id ) { $featured_image = geodir_get_post_meta( $post_id, 'featured_image', true ); if ( ! empty( $featured_image ) ) { return true; // Don't generate featured image. } $post_images = GeoDir_Media::get_field_edit_string( $post_id, 'post_images' ); if ( ! empty( $post_images ) ) { $post_images = $post_images . ' '; // Force re-save. $featured_image = GeoDir_Post_Data::save_files( $post_id, $post_images, 'post_images', false, false ); if ( ! empty( $featured_image ) ) { geodir_save_post_meta( $post_id, 'featured_image', $featured_image ); } } }
Kiran -