Barbara Magee

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  • Barbara Magee
    Expired Member
    Post count: 146

    I understand now that GD_Loop should not be used on a Location page.

    We need to know if we can use a Location page template for Places(titled Cities) and a Location page template for Events in our top navigation. They are separate menu items leading to separate pages.

    Barbara Magee
    Expired Member
    Post count: 146

    We already have a Places/Location Switcher Menu item in the top navigation header using the Location page template.

    1. We’d like to set up a top navigation Events menu item that leads to a different Location page so we can use GD-Listings shortcode and take advantage of the “show single recurring event” setting. Can we use the Location page template default content on a standard WordPress Page and then add the GD Listing shortcode setting options? We weren’t sure if we could use the Location Page template or default page content for pages other than the Places menu item?

    This is the shortcode I came up with (minus the location page default content):
    [gd_loop_paging][gd_listings post_type=”gd_event” event_type=”all” single_event=”1″ sort_by=”az” title_tag=”h3″ layout=”gridview_onehalf” post_limit=”6″ add_location_filter=”1″ view_all_link=”1″ bottom_pagination=”1″]
    We haven’t specified a default category.

    The issue we have is that as soon as a visitor on the main Events Location page uses the search bar to refine the search by category or city on that main events page, they are redirected to a Search page, where the “single recurring event” setting doesn’t work.

    Are we configuring this correctly? Thanks very much!

    in reply to: Business hours not displaying in grid layout #484076

    Barbara Magee
    Expired Member
    Post count: 146

    Hi guys.
    I’m circling back on this topic of business hours and calendar selector not displaying correctly. I’ve attached a more recent screenshot of the page:

    The calendar for both From and To Dates is displaying behind the image below and the hours are displaying behind the image in the row below.

    We appreciate your assistance in helping solve this dilemma!

    in reply to: Business hours not displaying in grid layout #482997

    Barbara Magee
    Expired Member
    Post count: 146

    Here is a link to that page in list view where you can see the function of the business hours display:


    in reply to: Business hours not displaying in grid layout #482967

    Barbara Magee
    Expired Member
    Post count: 146

    Here is a page with list view. Click on the hours arrow and the listing below drops down to allow full display of the hours.

    On grid view, it looks like the row below is being activated in some way but not dropping because it jumps when the hours arrow is closed.

    in reply to: Business hours not displaying in grid layout #482963

    Barbara Magee
    Expired Member
    Post count: 146

    The business hours display may look fine if there is just one set of hours for each of the 7 days a week, but when a place has more than one set of hours on any given day (like 11-3pm and 5-8pm) then the display falls behind the image in the row below.

    See attached screenshot, with Larks Home Kitchen Cuisine example.

    Again, this all works fine when viewing in List layout because the window of hours opens and pushes down the listing below to accommodate the full display. Some weeks back, when viewing in grid layout and the hours arrow was activated, the hours window opened fully and all hours were visible by pushing down the next row. Now it won’t push the next row down to allow all hours to be fully visible.

    in reply to: Business hours not displaying in grid layout #482940

    Barbara Magee
    Expired Member
    Post count: 146
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    in reply to: Business hours not displaying in grid layout #482938

    Barbara Magee
    Expired Member
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    in reply to: Business hours not displaying in grid layout #482913

    Barbara Magee
    Expired Member
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    in reply to: Business hours not displaying in grid layout #482678

    Barbara Magee
    Expired Member
    Post count: 146
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    in reply to: Business hours not displaying in grid layout #482571

    Barbara Magee
    Expired Member
    Post count: 146
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    in reply to: Business hours not displaying in grid layout #482556

    Barbara Magee
    Expired Member
    Post count: 146
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    in reply to: Business hours not displaying in grid layout #482448

    Barbara Magee
    Expired Member
    Post count: 146

    Your code:
    body ul.geodir-category-list-view li .gd-list-item-right {

    overflow: visible!important;

    It doesn’t seem to be working. Still displaying behind the image below. The code seems to suggest it is for list view. Is this supposed to work for grid view also?

    in reply to: Business hours not displaying in grid layout #482391

    Barbara Magee
    Expired Member
    Post count: 146

    Could you help us understand what is technically supposed to happen when the user clicks the business hours arrow to open the display of dates/hours on a listings/location page in grid layout?

    I believe our dev team inserted the code and the display was working for a short time, but no longer. Is it supposed to push down the row beneath it when the business hours display window opens or overlay?

    At some point in our development process, the business hours were positioned on the last line and the display window pushed down the row of places below it when the user clicked the arrow and the hours opened. For some reason, part of the business hours window is now displaying behind the place image below it so some of the hours are obscured. This happens no matter whether the hours are displayed on under the title or the address.

    Also, does it make a difference what line the business hours is positioned on?


    in reply to: Limit all recurring events to display only a single event #480995

    Barbara Magee
    Expired Member
    Post count: 146

    1. We are using a Location page: [gd_listings post_type=”gd_place” sort_by=”az” title_tag=”h3″   layout=2 post_limit=”30″]. See attached image 1.

    When we click See All at the bottom of the Location page or we select Events in the top search bar on the location page, it directs to a Archive template page where we’re using gd_loop. See attached image 2.

    When you suggest using several shortcodes, is that primarily used in situations with a different page layout?

    Is there a way to keep our location page layout and if the user selects Events from the search bar, the display switches from places to events right on that location page rather than redirecting to a Search/Archive page?

    Desperately Seeking Solution 🙂

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