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At the moment there is no affiliate program plugin compatible with GD. We have it in our to do list and we will try to get it done as soon as possible.
ONce I have a decent beta I’ll release it. Useless to release it now…
Ciao Daniele,
if there was documentation I didn’t ask you to write it while developing the new payment manager… 🙂
@rightmentor can you please explain Daniele in details how to proceed?
There is an error in the theme css.
you can momentarly fix adding this to your child theme style.css:
#geodir_wrapper h1 { width: auto !important; }
I’ll ask Stiofan to clean it up.
I’m guessing here, cause I haven’t checked the query for that widget, but my 1st guess would be that it determines the X number of categories with more posts and displays them ordered alphabetically.
I’ll ask VIkas to confirm.
I’d say categories with most listings?
that’s a problem with Avada child theme, not with plugin…
at the moment we have made the theme and the plugin compatible through a child theme:
you can set GeoDirectory home as your home page or use the regular avada home page and use GeoTheme home page as an internal page:
Now we are working on Integration, basically make sure that if you use the avada home page, you can also add GD elements to it, maninly home map and popular post widgets.
I can start releasing this as an Alpha if you anyone is interested in start doing some tests and reporting bugs.
Thanks for letting me know,
This reply has been marked as private.How can I recereate this? http://milano//
Anything I click I’m sent to :
Where the only thing I see is
Sfoglia Città
Sito momentaneamente in manutenzione
Ci scusiamo per il disagio
Please as I already told you today, create a clean development install, disable every non GD plugin and allow us to see everything or we will be unable to help you.
my bad, but as sputnik saw that, I saw the same thing this morning when visiting the link you published!
è così difficile da capire che non possiamo darti assistenza se capitano simili confusioni???
Location in URL is not added to blog posts. Only to GD specific custom post types.
Misunderstanding or not, as you can see in you screenshot, you are adding screenshot about another product, which creates a lot of confusion.
Please if you are moving from an old website made with Directory, please create a dev website with GeoDirectory, so that we don’t have to deal at all with other’s developers conflicting products.
Thank you
by default using Everywhere location is enabled, the map will zoom to include all areas of the map where a listing is present.
GeoLocation should be available with next release.
either use GD as home page of your website or any other home page and the /location/ page as directory home…
I agree…
@rightmentor, why we did text field instead?