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  • in reply to: Compatible themes requests #2216

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    we are working on shortcodes.

    in reply to: Adding event to Event Category #2211

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    are you talking about the front end or the back end form?

    in reply to: CSV upload of Cities and States #2202

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi @vamarris,

    For now categories must be created in advance, but we want to create a bulk upload tool for it too…

    in reply to: GeoDirectory Framework Theme Beta released #2197

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Thank you Guust for helping as much… so much that Pranav thinks you are a moderator and sent you a private reply….

    He wants to know if you can pass him a contact to help him develop his website… 🙂

    @pranav1234 Unfortunately (for us) Guust isn’t a moderator and he can’t read private replies. If you need help with your theme please post here:


    in reply to: GeoDirectory Framework Theme Beta released #2085

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    that is correct.

    in reply to: CSV upload of Cities and States #2070

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    There is no longer need to add cities and regions in advance… User can add cities while adding a new listing.

    in reply to: GeoDirectory Framework Theme Beta released #2065

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    the theme framework and all the plugins that needed an update have been updated.
    Right now I think you can only manually update the addons. Stiofan was working on autoupdates today and he said he should be done by tomorrow.



    in reply to: Double Listing Slider #2063

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi, we are not far from releasing an Avada fully compatible child theme.

    I have the beta ready to be released, I just need to do a final round of tests.

    I’m flagging this for the developers to see if they can figure this out for you.

    in reply to: Override WPGeo Styles #2061

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    A GD ready Genesis child theme will come soon…

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge with other members!

    in reply to: Emember variables in geodir fields #2058

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    plugin output can be customized by copying the appropriate template in your theme or child theme files.

    All templates can be found in geodirectory/geodirectory-templates

    In your case you need to customize geodir-author.php and add-listing.php

    Adding variables to the author page should be easy, as long as the emember plugin provide functions to display them.

    The add listing part I think is a bit more complicated.

    I’ll flag this for the developers so that they can confirm.

    Thanks for testing GD!

    in reply to: Slider on Single Listing Pages wont load #2057

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi, I still get :


    You don’t have permission to access /go2/south-africa/overberg/hermanus/spot/harbour-house-hotel/ on this server.

    When visiting your page.

    I know there is a small bug about the slider on 1.0.2 reported here:

    Don’t know if it is the same kind of bug or if you have a conflict with javascript from the theme.

    Unfortunately I can’t help you as long as you don’t ask your server admin why I’m not authorized to visit your website.


    in reply to: GeoDirectory Framework Theme Beta released #2053

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    are you using the latest version of the following?

    Core plugin 1.0.2
    GDF 0.0.3
    Custom post types 1.0.1
    Advance filters 1.0.1
    MultiLocations 1.0.1

    in reply to: Limit to predefined locations #1955

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Currently not, but these options are in our todo list:

    1) Option to disable user creating new locations.
    2) Option to allow user to create new locations in 1 or more regions, 1 or more countries or everywhere.

    Thanks for your patience

    in reply to: Bulk CSV Event Upload? #1954

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    yes it is, using the same bulk upload tool used for places (or any other custom post type).

    The only tricky part is adding in the CSV file the right field headers for the extra fields of an event : event_recurring_dates, starttime & endtime

    In addition both date and time formats must be correct or the event will not look right.

    @rightmentor can you add Events exmaples in the sample CSV or can we add a CSV example file for events with the Events addon?

    Please also specify correct DATE and TIME formats


    in reply to: Add-on download link #1951

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    I’ve activated the subscription manually. Now you should have access to the download area. Click on My Account (top right link of the menu) >> Downloads.


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