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  • in reply to: Compatible themes requests #1509

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    both Enfold, Avada, X and other themes mentioned provide a page layout builder for pages. That is more or less their main feature and what really set them apart from the rest of the themes out there.

    We are integrating GD widgets into their page layout builders so that all GD elements can be used to compose pages without editing 1 line of code.

    Other than that we are integrating our plugin templates within theirs to make sure to edit the stlyles of our plugin elements so that they can match the rest of the theme’s style.

    We just started working on it and we still have no examples.



    in reply to: New Site is LIVE! #1440

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Thank you a lot for posting this Stroudsco.

    I remember the very 1st version of floorinsite built with GeoTheme and the evolution in a relatively short time is simply amazing.

    I’m very excited to see that GD is finally meeting your expectation and I’m sure very soon we will start exceeding them. The version you are using is 1.0.0 and we can only make it better and start adding even more features.

    Thanks to your commitment, floorinsite will keep growing and become even more succesfull.

    Stiofan, Vikas and I would be extremely happy if you could share even only part of this review on the plugin page: and if we could expose your website as a showcase for the plugin through our website and social medias.

    Please let us know, It could really help us alot!

    Thanks again!


    in reply to: Popular Post Category Widget not working #1392

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    I’m not sure I understand here, can you describe the problem with a little more details? What has the map to do with the Popular Post Category widget

    in reply to: Extra Location level Idea! #1374

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    thanks for the suggestion. We will take it into consideration…

    in reply to: Compatible themes requests #1309

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi and thanks for your reply.

    wpengine type of hosting providers aggressively cache everything. Anything non 100% wordpress standard will not work.

    On the other hand I can tell you that, thanks to how we structured the database and queries, with equal server resources, the plugin will be able to withstand a much higher number of listings without the need of aggressive caching, than it could withstand using default wordpress database structure and wpengine caching.

    As far as sessions goes, they use cookies that are less secure than sessions. They tell you that it is a security issues, but Stiofan and I agreed that they rather not get into managing sessions because they are lazy.

    At this point, who’s right and who is wrong? They say our applications are badly coded, we can say that their hosting service is good for blogs and simple corporate website, not for complex applications…

    I invite you to report and problem you are facing with GeoTheme in GeoTheme support forum and we will follow up.

    For problems you are experiencing on linode, Vikas and I asked you in another thread for credentials to have a look at the problem. If there is anything that we can do, we will…

    The plugin has been released for the 1st time only 2 weeks ago, it will take a little time to turn it into the mature product that we have in mind, but that’s were we are heading and in my opinion we are on the right track…

    Thank you

    in reply to: Foundation framework? #1303

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    I guess he’s talking about this:, we haven’t tested it with GD yet, if you wish to see it fully integrated with our plugin please report it here:

    in reply to: GT to GD conversion tools #1300

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    1) URL will change, the permalink structure of GD is different.
    2) We can’t tell. The developer is working on it.
    3) We can’t take the responsability to tell your what to do with your website. It really depends on your priorities.


    in reply to: Can't add new location #1299

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    None of us are experiencing these errors in our tests…

    Can you please share wp-admin, ftp and phpmyadmin credentials as Vikas asked so we can actually find out what’s going on in your servers?

    Thank you,

    in reply to: Small Issues with Avada Theme #1298

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    please open screen options (top right) and check places and events stuff.


    in reply to: Compatible themes requests #1297

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Liquidia,

    can you tell us what your qualification are to express such a strong judgement? Can you please give us some references of themes or plugins that you have personally coded to see what is your standard for a well coded wordpress component?

    Please also try to remain on topic if possible (we asked what themes we should make compatible here) and if you want to express your judgement on our work, feel freee to do it, but please try to do it in constructive way, backing up your claim with objectivity and as many examples as possible.

    Otherwise as Stiofan says it seems like you are just trying to damage our reputation and in such case, you would see your account terminated very very soon.

    Thank you,


    in reply to: Compatible themes requests #1265

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    X was 3rd on our list…

    in reply to: utf problem with accents #1259

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    I think that you need to change the collation of your database and tables to use special characters.

    Shortcodes and theme integration addons are under construction.

    I’m flagging this for Vikas for confirmation.

    in reply to: User Role Questions #1258

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Normal users should have default wordpress role which is subscribers. To your staff you can give author role and option to access the back end.


    in reply to: GD Apps Pricing and ETA #1257

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    no we don’t. Developer is working on the Apps, but he still has to finish Android for GT first, than he’ll move working on GD apps.

    We haven’t discussed price yet, only thing we know is Apps will be the only thing sold separately, while all new addons and themes will be provided as part of the initial deal…

    in reply to: Social Connect / Social Login Integration #1256

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Why shouldn’t it? Did you try any and they didn’t work?
    Let us know…

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