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  • in reply to: Wishlist /Suggestions #2097

    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    I don’t know what options are available for your forum software, but I wonder if you can enable “New postings since last visit” and “My postings” as easy ways to find messages. At the moment there is quite a bit of jumping about required to see new posts.

    in reply to: Wishlist /Suggestions #2096

    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    I would like the map address validation to have the option to specify an area using lat and lon in which listings can be made.

    I believe the current map validation is based on the name of the city, which is a bit limited?

    If this was an option in Multi-Locations only, it would make it a more useful addition to GD core.

    in reply to: Can't add listing outside default location #2092

    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    I believe you can type in any address and save the place. Selecting an address using the map has validation, typing an address does not.


    in reply to: breadcrumb bug GD 1.0.2 #2005

    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    Hi Vikas,

    The location switcher is just ugly, it should be available as a menu option – i.e. list all the locations + Everywhere in the main menu.

    Otherwise, can you tell us what needs to be called to reset the filter, maybe I can add it as a link somewhere – if I decide to show cities etc in the breadcrumbs?

    in reply to: breadcrumb bug GD 1.0.2 #1993

    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    Something else I have just noticed.

    If I have the settings as shown in the attached, and I select the “city” component of the breadcrumb, then there is no way I can reset the site to show all listings, it shows only listings from the selected city until I exit the site.

    Obviously I am not using the location selector, but I would have expected to reset the filter to see all listings if I click on the home page link, or select “places” from the menu.

    in reply to: breadcrumb bug GD 1.0.2 #1992

    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    Running on localhost

    in reply to: breadcrumb bug GD 1.0.2 #1987

    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    Just realised I can turn off country and city in the breadcrumbs, which is handy for how I want to list things. Obviously I had these enabled to generate this bug.

    in reply to: Sort Function Showing Up on Pages #1960

    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    Your breadcrumbs which show on the detail page are interesting too…

    Home > House Cleaners > United States > California > Los Angeles > Restaurants > The Fountain Restaurant

    Did you create your menu manually with “House Cleaners” as the top level? I can’t see anywhere to select “Restaurants” as a place category, except on a detail page.

    Selecting any breadcrumb value except “House Cleaners” results in no records found?

    Also the thumbnails for the slider don’t seem to be updating on the detail page.

    in reply to: GeoDirectory Framework Theme Beta released #1913

    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    Thanks Stiofan, so you’re just offering this theme and child as an added bonus to the plugins, I misunderstood from this thread that the foundation theme was an essential part of the installation.

    Looking forward to a bit more meat on the documentation so it all becomes clearer for me! <g>

    in reply to: GeoDirectory Framework Theme Beta released #1887

    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    How does this technique – using the GD child theme – impact on those of us that want to use a third party theme?

    I thought the idea of GD being a plugin gave us the benefit of being able to use virtually any third part theme? I get the impression from this thread that you are moving back to GD being a “theme” rather than a series of plugins.

    I probably misunderstand what you are describing here?

    in reply to: Hidden default country and region #1884

    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    Yeah, I’d also like that.

    If there is only one defined country and region, which contain all the defined cities, why show country and region on the new listing form?

    Is there an easy way to stop people from creating a listing outside a defined region. For example, if I define a list of cities can I prevent someone creating a listing outside of my defined list.

    in reply to: Compatible themes requests #1548

    Expired Member
    Post count: 539


    Seems to be flyingnews theme that is being used at this site?

    Valenti seems similar, can’t find Sarify theme?

    in reply to: Compatible themes requests #1462

    Expired Member
    Post count: 539


    Pardon my ignorance but I have never used the avada or enfold themes – can you elaborate/outline on what features within these themes can be used directly by GeoDirectory?

    Is it basically the layout?

    Or, can the mega menu, sliders, shortcodes etc etc be used by GeoDirectory?

    Do you have a GeoDirectory demo site using either of these themes?


    in reply to: Compatible themes requests #1461

    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    You can’t really say something is badly coded because it has bugs. As a software developer for over 20 years I can tell you that even good code has bugs. Look at the code, that will tell you if it is badly coded!

    I have looked at many directory systems and some of them ARE badly coded – to be honest I haven’t looked at the new geo-directory code, so can’t comment.

    But what I have found more important is how responsive the developers are to requests for bug fixes and improvements, and who it is that does these code changes. In that regard I have found the level of response and communication provided by the GeoDirectory team to be the best available.

    in reply to: New Site is LIVE! #1460

    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    Congratulations Dave, that is a really nice looking site with a LOT of effort gone into it.

    Can I ask a couple of business model questions?

    1. You create all the listings yourself, you don’t allow users to enter listings?

    2. Apart from registering for an email newsletter, what registration process do you have that users can login to?


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