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  • in reply to: Disabling the "Near Me" feature #145692

    Expired Member
    Post count: 39

    Thank you, I don’t know why that eluded me but I thank you for your assistance!

    in reply to: Upgrading plugins #114277

    Expired Member
    Post count: 39

    Thank you very much, and I have updated all my license keys per your instructions.

    You guys are awesome!

    in reply to: Upgrading plugins #113898

    Expired Member
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    in reply to: Upgrading plugins #113849

    Expired Member
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    in reply to: Upgrading plugins #113150

    Expired Member
    Post count: 39

    Hello Paolo, I thought my issues was resolved but it is not after all. Thanks for looking into this and let me know if you need any admin credentials to login and view. Thank you

    in reply to: Upgrading plugins #113148

    Expired Member
    Post count: 39

    I am only experiencing the plugin updates, not licensing. I am writing this because I said my issues was resolved but now I see that it is not yet.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Upgrading plugins #113108

    Expired Member
    Post count: 39

    Thank you for that information Guust. As I mentioned in my post I have already successfully gone through the license updates as a precursory measure but my issue is different from that.

    I am having issues with updating my GD plugins to the most recent version and Activating one of them which is different from the licensing issue that you graciously placed a link for me above.

    Inside my website Admin area in the Plugins area, all plugins but the main GeoDirectory show that there is a new version of the plugin. When I click on the “update now” link to update the plugins I get the message “Update Failed: Plugin update failed” (as you can see on the screencast screen shot under the GeoDirectory Advanced Search Filters plugin.

    Additionally, when I attempt to Activate the GeoDirectory Autocompleter plugin I get the error message “Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error
    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare geodir_autocompleter_ajax_url() (previously declared in /home1/funding2/public_html/fisheroogle/wp-content/plugins/geodir_advance_search_filters/geodirectory_advance_search_function.php:2252) in /home1/funding2/public_html/fisheroogle/wp-content/plugins/geodir_autocompleter/geodir_autocompleter.php on line 128”

    Screenshot –

    Thank you for looking closer to this or passing it along to any others who may be of assistance. I appreciate you all for the great product and the ongoing support.

    – Sam

    in reply to: Error establishing database connection #112627

    Expired Member
    Post count: 39

    Thank you Paolo for your response to this matter. As I look into this issue further I can see that it is a missing database connection and has nothing to do with the plugin. I will get it fixed on my end and really appreciate your very quick response time.

    in reply to: Migrated Site, now not displaying correctly #65255

    Expired Member
    Post count: 39

    Thank you for your feedback and as I look deeper that does seem to be the case. I will attempt to obtain the database and move that over. I appreciate you looking into this.

    in reply to: Migrated Site, now not displaying correctly #65212

    Expired Member
    Post count: 39
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    in reply to: Members Only Access #38990

    Expired Member
    Post count: 39

    I was wondering if there is a way to even pay for custom development work to be able to integrate this membership function into GD Places? Is that something you guys are able to do for a fee?

    Expired Member
    Post count: 39

    Do I still need to install the file?

    Expired Member
    Post count: 39

    Excellent, and I am assuming that the items in my account Downloads section are always the most updated versions, is that correct?

    You guys are great by the way and I appreciate the timely support.

    Thanks to you and your team!


    Expired Member
    Post count: 39

    Thanks Stiofan,

    I have the full subscription to ALL themes and plugins and used it for my site

    If I understand correctly, my subscription should work for additional domains (to install it on my new domain of and I want to make sure that this is correct.


    in reply to: Adding Cities to the states #17796

    Expired Member
    Post count: 39

    Ahh.. yes.. I am familiar with WordPress.. just didn’t remember on the version numbers. Thanks.

    But it looks like we have successfully updated all the plugins… so I will be testing today..

    Thank you so much for your help.

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