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  • in reply to: Different use case #450617

    Expired Member
    Post count: 47

    Thanks I Will take a look into all of that.

    in reply to: Different use case #450386

    Expired Member
    Post count: 47

    Yeah the listings would not be the problem. The only real problem is trying to achieve that Users find out what officials they have to vote por just pressing one button based on their location. Since provinces are irregular not necesarilly the “closest” Office is the one they have to vote for. Maybe they live very close to a border with a very Small province. Therefore the “near me” button would yield for the user to vote for the candidates in the small province since it is closer (assuming I place it in the middle of the province) when in reality he has to vote for the candidates in his big province Even Tho the middle of its province is further from him because he lives near the border.

    I kmow it’s a Tricky question. Do u mundo asking Stiofan? There Must be some way yo achieve this I Guess, I just want to be Pointed un the right direction.

    in reply to: Open Street Maps #447027

    Expired Member
    Post count: 47

    I think u didnt understand me at all.

    “I cannot change it so it doesnt zoom in or out when I scroll”

    I do NOT want the scroll to work for zooming. For mobile I do NOT want to zoom with 1 finger. I changed to Google Maps and changed that atribute scrollwheel back to 0. Those are the only 2 options right? 1 to scroll and 0 to make it “static” and only zoom with clicks?

    in reply to: Open Street Maps #447026

    Expired Member
    Post count: 47

    I really dont see any difference, same for mobile. When I scroll up on my cellphone I move the map not the page.

    in reply to: Social Importer for FB – FB API Access Issue #446932

    Expired Member
    Post count: 47

    Man, I just spent like an hour trying to connect my app then I see this. I know u are busy but really u can do a better job at communicating this. My directory is pretty small, in that hour I cound have copy pasted half the listings I need.

    in reply to: Open Street Maps #446924

    Expired Member
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    in reply to: Fresh install, permalink message #446901

    Expired Member
    Post count: 47

    another bug
    I am installing the ajax duplicate alert and I am directed to this page

    and I get a message

    You dont have permissions to access this page

    right after I activate it. It seems it installed just fine tho

    in reply to: Event category not showing #416812

    Expired Member
    Post count: 47

    never mind, found it. Very stupid mistake on me.

    in reply to: Event category not showing #416809

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    in reply to: How to make GeoDirectory profitable #413738

    Expired Member
    Post count: 47


    What is ur website? And what theme do u recommend? Are u hosting in a VPS?

    in reply to: Cannot edit a listing #409348

    Expired Member
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    in reply to: GD + Caching :: Feedback Wanted #408421

    Expired Member
    Post count: 47

    From a logical point of view if a script deploys WP super cache I wouldnt need the plugin right? Or do u think it is a backend-frontend combo?

    Regarding GD booster itself since thats the one u are familiar with. How does it work on the backend for an Nginx server?

    —Does it take care of everything assuming u dont have any cache at all in the server level meaning u probably shouldnt config Nginx cache or Fast CGI at all?

    —Or does it asume u have some level of basic caching configured in the server and adds an extra boost to the website on top of it?

    in reply to: GD Booster breaking site #408415

    Expired Member
    Post count: 47

    I already know all that. That doesnt answer either one of my questions, not even trying to.

    in reply to: GD + Caching :: Feedback Wanted #408291

    Expired Member
    Post count: 47

    What do u think about the easyengine script? And which route would u take? I have read so much about caching today that I am kinda confused. From what I understand if u deploy a easyengine script with caching u wouldnt need the plugin in the “frontend” right? Say if I deploy WP SUper cache image I wouldnt need the WP Super cache plugin therefore I would need to configure everything in the files themselves and then use the autoptimize plugin in the frontend correct?

    What if I want to use GD Booster? Should I deploy no cache at all or Nginx Cache? I remember reading somewhere that the GDBooster was a fork of the W3 total cache plugin… therefore deploying the w3 total cache image would screw the GD Booster in the frontend right?

    –Also when u use the GD Booster, do u need to add expired headers on the htaccess file? or does the GD booster take care of this in some other way? Is all of this exclusive to Apache or does it also apply to Nginx? I really wanna use nginx and deploy a wordpress image using easyengine, seems easy enough and very profesional.

    And what about just deploying the W3 total Cache image? Would that be enough or u also recommend using autoptimize on top of it?

    Help please! Which one would u recommend? Sorry I know its a lot of questions 😀

    in reply to: GD Booster breaking site #408280

    Expired Member
    Post count: 47

    1. Nevermind I dont even know what happened anymore but I think I fixed it. Please take a look at my htaccess file it seems there is some incompatibility maybe? since the GD Booster has a 7 days expiration date and the htaccess has like a year? Well it seems to be working fine now.

    2. The other image is about the easyengine script. I have read so much about caching today that I am kinda confused. From what I understand if u deploy a easyengine script with caching u wouldnt need the plugin in the “frontend” right? Say if I deploy WP SUper cache I wouldnt need the WP Super cache plugin therefore I would need to configure the plugin in the files themselves and then use the autoptimize plugin combo in the frontend correct? What if I want to use GD Booster? Should I deploy no cache at all or Nginx Cache? I remember reading somewhere that the GDBooster was a fork of the W3 total cache plugin… therefore deploying the w3 total cache image would screw the GD Booster in the frontend right? Help please! Which one would u recommend?

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