Stiofan O'Connor
Forum Replies Created
If you can tell me how to recreate step by step i will double check things.
Your version of GDF might be using an old upgrade method which no longer works, if so please update to the latest using the zip file and this plugin
This reply has been marked as private.A few little notes.
New posts are by default stored for 7 days.
Post edits are stored for longer, these are basically revisions, they can be turned off or cleared via plugin at any time but generally 1 revision is stored indefinitely per post per user and removed once fully saved.
The post is created on visiting the add/edit page, a check runs every 10 seconds and if the form content has changed from the last check it will send a AJAX request which saves the post in the background, so its only runs when needed.
Hi Jeff,
The post losing the comment count has been fixed and will be in the next release.
The preview link i see the issue that is only checking for the “inherit” post status and not the gateway invoice status.
I could not replicate the post not renewing but i’ll fix the small issue first and then push them to your site on monday and then find out whats going on there.
Hi Jeff,
I’m gona go over this in the morning, i’ll update you then.
May 10, 2019 at 7:28 pm in reply to: Intermittent "Invalid post type" error and 500 internal error #485700I could not recreate this like i could before, did u fix something recently or am i just not able to replicate it?
1. Seems unrelated to GD, seems to be a conflicing with a popup plugin you have installed.
2. You had no search page set, i set one and it works.
3. I don’t see a 500 error, i do see a map key error, is this what you mean? ( you would need to enable your test domain in the google maps API)
4. I only seen gd buddypress and social importer.
Buddypress, you don’t have it installed so no point activating it.
social importer seems to have a class declared somehwere else? Has some one tried to alter this or maybe another plugin/theme is using the same class without wrapping it?Fatal error: Cannot declare class Geodir_Yelp, because the name is already in use in
5. Could be theme or could be the plugin “popups”?
6. The theme is using an older version of select2 which is breaking things.
Please try unticking this option:
GeoDirectory > Settings > Design > Details >
Disable theme feature image output? (UNTICK).Then try the facebook debug and share again.
(there are a few things on the page trying to set the image url, hopefully that fixes it)
It seems around 6 months after your original purchase you opened a dispute against the payment with your bank and the original transaction + a $15 dispute fee was taken from our account. The system automatically disabled the licence key as a result.
Hi Ronny,
I have released an update for this now.
Hi Ronny,
I’ll take a look at this in the morning and if needed i’ll release a v2.
Hi Karloz,
I am not sure i fully understand what you are asking, if you are on a city location page then the search bar should already have the city set, am i missing something? Have u used the location switcher?
To edit the location page PHP the easiest way would be to create a page template (copy the theme page.php) and add a template name and then set the location page to use that new template in the page settings.
Firstly thanks for the suggestion, from the next release ( %%post_title%% will be supported.
There are many ways to do what u want let me give you two.
If you want to change the address format everywhere on your site then you can use the following snippet (it will override widget settings)
add_filter("geodir_cf_address_template","_my_address_template",10); function _my_address_template($address_template){ // set this to whatever you need $address_template = "%%street_br%% %%neighbourhood_br%% %%city_br%% %%region_br%% %%zip_br%% %%country%%"; return $address_template; }
If you want to alter the map bubble address, you might be best unsetting it to show in the bubble under the custom field address output locations setting and then use this code snippet:
add_filter("geodir_show_listing_info","_my_map_address_add",10,2); function _my_map_address_add($html,$fields_location){ if($fields_location=='mapbubble'){ $html = do_shortcode('[gd_post_address show="icon-label-value" address_template="%%post_title%% %%post_title_br%% :: %%street_br%% %%neighbourhood_br%% %%city_br%% %%region_br%% %%zip_br%% %%country%%"]').$html; } return $html; }
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for reporting.
@kiran check if this is just a case of the package id changing? maybe we can exclude that.