Stiofan O'Connor
Forum Replies Created
– where to put the favicon?
I will add an option for this.
– whats the logo optimum size for it to be with high quaity as yours?
Any size really, it just has to be a good quality pic.
– when I try to use the GD > Search it gives me an error: Fatal error: Cannot unset string offsets in /home4/lele0901/public_html/ on line 243
Anyone else getting this? I can’t replicate, are you using GD 1.0.1?
– it would be nice to have a widget area on the right header space, to put the search widget.
There is one “GD header right”
– it would be nice to have the option to make the header + menu static, it gets a beautiful look and usability.
It’s an idea, if a few people agree i will add that option.
– the menu didn’t come automatically so I created one, how to include the add listings?
GD>Desgin>NavigationThanks for the feedback, remember i am here to listen to what you guys want, if you have a good suggestion it will be added 🙂
GDF 0.0.2 is now available, CSS might still be a little messed but for search bar with other addons.
@guust, thanks for the feedback 🙂 and thanks for reporting the bugs, i had not tested the category description, i will add some CSS for that.
@guust, looks like you have all three content area’s active, try disabling the left content section under GD>Design>Home>Home left section or adjust the widths to show all.
i found bugs with the JS using a child theme, so 0.0.2 release later today will fix that and might be better to wait for.
I have found a few bugs but i will be releasing a new version today.
@manilaboy i have added the option to allow full width, thanks for the suggestion 🙂Stiofan
Hi thanks for the post, yes, it looks like your theme is taking over, we will try and make the theme styles more specific to over ride your theme.
The send to friend link is just so people can send a link to the page to there friends. I don’t think their is a way to disable it, will check and implement that.
If you could provide an example that would be great, not exactly sure why that would happen.
Rich snippets are now included in 1.0.1 🙂
Thanks for the heads up julian, it seems wordpress has removed them for some reason, there is a thread complaining about this, but apparently it is so they are not replaced on upgrade (but i’m not sure if that’s true.)
Here is the .po file, i will add this to our FAQ page also:
Thanks, this is a bug, i will look into it.
Thanks Ken, i have updated the media to the latest version and it will also eliminate user input errors.
Thanks for reporting the bugs! 🙂
Please provide an example, i can not replicate this.
hi ken, i have uploaded a beta to your site, (it will say there is an update but don’t update the plugin until we release 1.0.1)
Please test the category issue, the broken images will need to be replaced but should not break again, and the double upload should be gone, please let us know.