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  • in reply to: PHP Error: RankMath 1.0.38 and GeoDirectory #532488

    T L
    Expired Member
    Post count: 48

    Thanks Kiran. I’ll add this to my request with them.

    in reply to: PHP Error: RankMath 1.0.38 and GeoDirectory #531256

    T L
    Expired Member
    Post count: 48
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Problem: Ninja Forms 3.4.23 and GeoDirectory #530142

    T L
    Expired Member
    Post count: 48

    Yes, up to date. WP Version is 5.3.2

    I’ll test on a fresh dev site with both modules and see if the issue can be replicated.

    in reply to: Problem: Ninja Forms 3.4.23 and GeoDirectory #530069

    T L
    Expired Member
    Post count: 48

    Sorry. Version numbers are: Ninja Forms 3.4.23 and GeoDirectory

    in reply to: Extend Listing Tabs #529864

    T L
    Expired Member
    Post count: 48

    Excellent. Thank you Kiran! This will be very helpful.

    in reply to: Extend Listing Tabs #529499

    T L
    Expired Member
    Post count: 48

    Thanks Guust.

    I am needing to dynamically add or remove tabs dependent on other WP values.

    For Example: If a listing does not yet have an email contact address, I want to add an “Invite Vendor” form versus an “Enquiry” form.

    Another example: Depending on a package level, I show or hide a related vendors tab.

    That’s just two of a few customizations.

    Hope that helps. Again, I’m looking to recreate functionality that existed in GDV1.

    in reply to: Hook for Search Query? #529433

    T L
    Expired Member
    Post count: 48

    Looking through the source, it seems that the “geodir_posts_where” hook is what I’m looking for unless the Dev’s have a cleaner place to hook into this. Thanks!

    in reply to: Hook for Search Query? #529421

    T L
    Expired Member
    Post count: 48

    Thanks Alex. My apology for not being more clear.

    I have a custom field with a list of U.S States (50) and one extra value of “All” (1). 51 values total.

    This field is set as a filter in the CPT search. No problem there. All works fine. However, when someone searches say “TX” for Texas, we need to filter on all records that have the value of “TX” OR “All”.

    I recognize that this is geographic in nature on the surface but there will be other similar dropdowns that are not geographic values where there will be and “All” type value.

    If I was writing my own code, I would just append some like “or area=’All'” to any queries. That’s why I was asking about a hook that I could modify the query logic or similar approach.


    in reply to: V2 Equivalent of geodir_get_default_catimage #528073

    T L
    Expired Member
    Post count: 48

    Thank you Naveen! Very helpful. I see the new direction now and can apply it to other areas.

    in reply to: Membership carry across sites? #400654

    T L
    Expired Member
    Post count: 48

    Correction: It was bbPress, not BuddyPress and for others the blog post is here.

    in reply to: Sorting Search Results #390431

    T L
    Expired Member
    Post count: 48

    Thanks Stiofan.

    LOL! I can understand not wanting a customer to “break” search. 🙂 Perhaps having any option to RESET weights to the default gives some assurance of getting a customer back to “working”.

    Here’s another business opportunity perhaps. Maybe the search weighting UI is only available as part of the Advanced Search Plugin. Another reason for folks to buy it. Leave weighting and orderby hooks for those of us doing custom dev.

    Perhaps a UI item that can easily be unchecked to get a customer back to ground zero: Add a checkbox that enables the sorting options to override the relevance default. If the box is checked, the forced relevance is not enabled in the order by, leaving the sorting options in search admin UI as they are. If unchecked, the standard GeoDirectory relevance override for search results remains and the weights are tweaked as needed. Or the other way around on the checkbox if better UX.

    Thanks for listening Stiofan. Appreciative of the dialogue.


    in reply to: Sorting Search Results #390382

    T L
    Expired Member
    Post count: 48


    I completely understand. 🙂 Having written something similar for another platform, I recognize that it is difficult to appease 100% of your customer base, 100% of the time. The business proposition is one that must be carefully weighed.

    Having reviewed the geodir_posts_orderby() code in the listing_filters.php, Well done! The combination of order by cases along with the weighting mechanism is good stuff. If there is business concern about adding customization of the search weighting and ordering of results in the admin UI, perhaps there is a middle ground that would assist custom development.

    I see the filter available towards the end of the function. That helps! I still like the idea of adding an order by option in the admin ui for “Relevance” as this facilitates ordering of results in the end user UI to get back to relevance as needed, passing the sort_by=az.

    i.e. for one of my directories, the following search URL params yield pretty good results and moves the higher rated listings to the front which is what our users actually expect….to a point


    Another developer friendly step or possible feature in the admin UI is to allow the override or setting of the individual weights used as part of the count($keywords) orderby completion. While those weights are hard coded based on the best feedback your team has received from customers, the additional option to deviate from those “Geodirectory best practices” allows those who are adventurous to tweak to the best fit for their customers who are ultimately the users of our directories built on GeoDirectory.

    Just some thoughts and I REALLY appreciate your willingness to continue to dialogue on this topic. I can easily see how the various threads in the past where folks simply complain about search can get tiring to answer. My hope is that this thread might provide a good business proposition from the viewpoint of both a business owner, developer and a position of search algorithm layman understanding.


    in reply to: GeoDirectory and Theme My Login #385714

    T L
    Expired Member
    Post count: 48

    So far so good. Perhaps others can test this as well if added as a “Beta” feature in the product.

    in reply to: "Draft" listings allow for Reviews by Submitter #384734

    T L
    Expired Member
    Post count: 48

    Great! Thank-you.

    in reply to: GeoDirectory and Theme My Login #384626

    T L
    Expired Member
    Post count: 48

    ….and for others, added a check for the class in case you deactivate the plug-in, your site won’t die. 😉

    function _my_geodir_search_init () {
    	if(class_exists( 'Theme_My_Login' )) {
        	remove_action( 'pre_get_posts', array( Theme_My_Login::get_object(), 'pre_get_posts' ) );
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