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Thanks Paolo
Have replied over there
This reply has been marked as private.Hi
Have been asked to join this thread due to having the same issues, so will copy and paste my latest post here. Still seem to be having this issue. Will post login below.
This reply has been marked as private.Hi Paolo
I did add the address, and it did come up on the map. It zoomed into the postcode L6 4AT and found the correct road, I set the address, then I clicked publish and it reset back to default. It seems to do this every time. I don’t understand it as it doesnt do it with any other listing and the postcode is correct..
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Hi Guust
The only problem with that is that some businesses don’t really have locations, ie internet pet shops, where people order online and the stuff is posted. People want to see all of those no matter where they are based. How can I get around this? This is why some don’t have exact locations.
Also, please searching within the accommodation section don’t nessicarily want to find accommodation within a certain distance of their house, they want to search by the area they want to visit. I don’t think it’s very clear how to change the area you’re searching within? If I were a visitor from Nottingham and I wanted to search for accommodation in Devon for instance, I’d expect to be able to select this from the search bar. If I install a third party search bar to search through the cpts and categories instead with dropdown menus, will I be able to fit it in the place of that current search bar somehow?
Still having this issue if anyone can help?
Thanks Paolo 🙂
Thanks Guust
I’ve turned Neighbourhoods off now, and I seem to have Nottingham showing as a location which can be selected now. Not quite sure how or why that is.
Do I need to basically go to GD>Multilocation>Add/edit locations to add every county in the UK? Then will each listing automatically snap to it’s county somehow and appear to people who set their location?
In the search bar underneath the map, I have those 3 options to search with. Is it possible to leave the first dropdown box as it is, but the second one make it show a dropdown of categories within that cpt, and the third one allow people to either add their location or choose from a drop down, but preferably just add their location, as I want to eventually include businesses located throughout Europe.
A break through at last… When you said save the wp permalink settings, I think you meant the geodirectory permalink settings? That appears to have fixed the issue. Still don’t understand it though, I honestly don’t believe I changed any slugs!
One thing, is it possible to change the menu styling somehow? At the moment when I dropdown the dog friendly attractions subcategory, it’s overlapped by the content below?
Thanks for your help
This reply has been marked as private.Hi Guust
I’ve not changed any slugs though, I really don’t understand what’s happening here.
I’ve tried clicking save and it’s not made any difference. My whole directory appears to be down. I don’t want to have Accommodation > Hotels > Cottages, I want Accommodation > Cottages and Accommodation > Hotels
All I’m trying to do right now is manually set my menu bar so it can drop down the categories of the cpt, and it seemed to be fine at first, but now everythings broken. I’m not changing any slugs at all though so why is it doing this?
This is what I’m getting in a category which I know contains listings.. 🙁