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  • in reply to: categories with the number 1 #486481

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Nevermind…I dug a little deeper and found duplicate tags in the regular posts. I thought I had checked there. Slowly working my way through this. I didn’t find all of them now, but since it actually worked on some, I’m guessing they are all here somewhere. So..nevermind!

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Ok, I figured out that this is the popular categories icon. Just found info here on how to adjust some of the features: https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs-v2/themes/supreme/#popular
    But the bar doesn’t appear to be something I can change.

    ALSO, I just discovered that I can use fontawesome icons or if I use my own, it’s tiny. I prefer to use my own.. so how do I adjust the size? The images I uploaded for the map icons are much bigger than is showing on the homepage popular categories. So how do I adjust what is showing? I think I could live with the bar if I could just adjust the icons size…and in at least one case, the icon is too low and hitting below the bar. Perhaps making it bigger would fix this.

    in reply to: How do I set up the homepage? #485980

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    That page wasn’t what I was looking for, but I figured it out on my own last night. Is there no documentation on this? If not, there really should be! It would saved me HOURS of frustration and poking around trying to figure out how you guys had changed things.

    Obviously this is relevant to the Gutenberg changes…and perhaps to the version change? I have been out of the loop a few months working on other projects and am just getting back to working on my directory, so I’m not sure.

    What I discovered is that the widgets that USED TO be added via customizer are now added via editing the homepage and adding Gutenberg blocks to the homepage. Through poking around, I discovered a whole list of widgets that can be added as blocks. But I didn’t find any documentation anywhere to explain these changes! So either they don’t exist or they are not visible enough.

    I also discovered, only because I poked around in these forums and saw it mentioned here…and this is another thing I feel should be documented somewhere for people who have been using your plugin since before these changes… that the widget that used to be called “Popular Post View” has been renamed “Listings”.

    I find it interesting and frustrating that none of this was mentioned in your response above to my post and I had to figure it out for myself. I pay for a membership and expected better support than this. For me that was a lot of money to fork out…I had expected better documentation and tech support. Although in fairness, I’ll give the benefit of the doubt that maybe my post wasn’t clear what I was looking for. But the documentation should be something I can easily find as these are pretty huge changes to setting up the homepage!

    The fact that I had to figure this on my own is very disappointing. If you do have documentation for all this, please point it out to me because I’ve been looking.

    in reply to: Is this possible with the events addon? #459250

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Ok thank you! Do you happen to recommend any particular calendar plugin that works well with geodirectory?

    in reply to: Changing percentage width does nothing #456607

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Ok, I think I got it. I only had widgets in the content section. I put some in the sidebars of the homepage and played around some more with the numbers and now things are moving around. YAY! It works!

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Changing percentage width does nothing #456599

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Reading the info on that page Kor posted…it looks like this is only in relation to WIDGETS that are posted in those areas? So if I don’t have any widgets there, then that may be why I’m not seeing any changes? Am I reading that correctly?

    Like I said, still figuring all this out. I’ve been putting a text widget in every widget area to get a feel for where everything is…I’m going to poke around some more and see if there’s still no changes. It has baffled me so far, but it is entirely possible I’m just doing it wrong since I am still learning how it all works.

    in reply to: Changing percentage width does nothing #456414

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    There’s not actually anything to see…nothing changes. I just am playing around, trying to see how things work. Still brand new, learning how to tweak things. I know that I am supposed to be able to adjust these things:
    Width of listing right section
    Width of listing content section
    Width of listing left section
    Width of home right section
    Width of home content section
    Width of home left section

    I also see the same fields in author and search…I assume if I fiddle with those I will get the same lack of results.

    Any numbers I put into any of these fields…and I’ve played with this quite a LOT. Does nothing. Nothing changes, even a little. Nothing happens.

    I am using the Supreme Directory theme, so I don’t think it’s a theme compatibility issue.

    I’m not actually trying to DO anything at this point…just wanted to see what I can change and see what it would look like. Just playing. Also wanted to see exactly what was considered “content” section by making changes. But since nothing is changing, I am still unsure.

    Just would like to know why I am unable to actually tweak anything using these fields. If I have something set wrong or if there’s a glitch or what?

    in reply to: Blank sidebar Listings page #456274

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Well I came back to delete my question because I found the answer suddenly. But I don’t see a way to delete this. So I will just say that I found the answer, LOL.

    As I was fiddling around trying to sort out how things worked, I had unchecked all the boxes in the listings tab under design in the geodirectory backend. Checked them all again (probably don’t need them all, I’ll sort out which ones I need later.) and VOILA! There’s a map in the sidebar now!

    So nevermind! 🙂

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