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  • [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    Well I’d be more than happy to start my membership if I can get this site running.. The site has everything and it has never allowed me to update the site, I’d have to do it manually. I just want what I originally paid for, this site once ranked really well and after installing this plugin it went really bad and has never been running since. We lost interest in it after spending several thousand in development with continuing errors from the plugin. I knew it would eventually be solid because the developers were working really hard with constant updates, I understand how development is so I’m not mad. The plugin was a disaster at first, I’ll create an admin if GeoDirectory wants to look at it and make some quick obvious fixes, like a functional updating system. If you help me I’ll write a great review, I do believe in this plugin. I just don’t think it was ready when I first purchased it. Please help

    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    No results, errors.. When GPS is enabled on my desktop.. Same with mobile device where most of our customers are..

    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    I am really sick of this company constantly saying we are liars.. We DO NOT find these emails productive and they are our very last resort. THE SYSTEM DOES NOT WORK, AND IT HAS NOT WORKED, EVER!

    So we will explain all this over again since you guys cant seem to find all the obvious errors on our site. We would not want the ugly location switcher on our site, we have said this many times.

    This site is ONLY for dentists to list their locations, so a patient can find them.. Have you seen the website? So therefor it looks like crap to have a locations switcher, common sense.. I don’t even see why anyone would want that on their site, it defeats the purpose.. Plus we have 18,000 dentists to put on this site.. We have been trying to get the site working for months.. All the developers are saying scrap this junk plugin so of course I’m not happy.

    I’m the CEO of a larger dental organization and so I’m not super stoked about spending months with no success .. My team is very talented and when they say there is problems then they mean it. We hired a group, same thing..

    It still does not work, so I don’t know what you guys see.. You said Ocean Smiles.. That is ONE.. Its just errors on everyones system when GPS is enabled.. Where is the others?

    Plus the update feature in the WORDPRESS plugin system, DOES NOT WORK.. IT NEVER HAS.. We all have NEVER seen a plugin system not work with update, Geodirectory is the only one we have ever seen that is NOT COMPATIBLE with WordPress update system. We should not need to manually update each plugin..

    The map is not responsive, why is this? The geodirectory theme is… We are currently planning to scrap this because we have wasting TONS of money and time trying to get this system going.. It is definitely NOT what you guys advertise it to be.. The only reason we have not scrapped it sooner is because our permalink structure and SEO backlinks from off page are difficult..

    Go through the site, you will see tons of errors.. Go on to mobile device where 63% of our dentists patients are.. Mobile is absolutely ugly and horrible.

    One of my trusted developers is Shahin Sid (Skype: Shine.10), if you want to ask him technical details then awesome..

    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    Well it has completely stopped working.. I get errors every time now and this is ridiculous.. This plugin has been chaotic, many developers have seen this and say I should scrap the plugin and start over.. So I’m almost forced to do that as it does NOT work right. I’ve tried hiring all kinds of developers and I’m not going to keep throwing money at something that does NOT work the way it’s advertised.

    I’m too the point of pushing for a refund at a very MINIMUM (this has cost my company loads of downtime plus hired developers).

    So I’ll give this ONE more shot – CAN ANYONE MAKE THIS PLUGIN WORK????? Does every adjustment need to go through support??? How many updates are we going to perform? So 2 months or so of wasted time and money???

    The map search function was never really a problem at first, well it at least pulled up results. But how come the themes are responsive and the maps are not?

    Randomly missing all my new forms after I update? Why??

    In fact the update function has NEVER worked because it says I don’t have the privilege when I do.. I’ve brought this to your attention and nobody has addressed that either. This is business and right now I’m seeing a product that is incapable. If this is a directory then it should work like a directory. Also, its a plugin, we didn’t buy code. We understand that some modifications need to be done with most plugins, but this one needs completely rewritten.

    in reply to: Changing the form fields – Language-en_US.po #10127

    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    Nevermind, I found the right file..

    in reply to: GD core v1.1.4 and MultiLocation 1.0.6 #9479

    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    My auto update has only worked once, its been broke the whole time almost.. I have to manually update all the geodirectory plugins

    in reply to: Log-in page #9298

    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    thanks for the help, but I don’t think upgrading an entire theme would be efficient. I’ll have to check it out though, I like seeing other peoples work. I’m having complaints from the few registrants that I have on their about the username / password issue. So I can’t really start paying for any marketing till these things get fixed.. How much would you want to get this thing working correctly??

    in reply to: Log-in page #9276

    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    But I’m really concerned about the whole login process. I’m not fluent with php, but I can manage to get around most of the time. I cant figure out how to change what happens after they confirm the sign-up process. Right now it goes to the home page, but I’d like it to go to their profile / listing. Plus I need them to be able to create their own password and I do not know how, can someone help, please?

    in reply to: Log-in page #9259

    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    It’s only for B2B, not B2C

    in reply to: Log-in page #9207

    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    Is this issue resolved yet because I am having redirect problems too. I need the user to be redirected to their profile page (managed listing) after completing the sign-up form. Also, how do I enable for the user to change their password from the crazy auto generated one? I was asked that question. Thanks for all the help! 🙂

    in reply to: No way to edit image sizes in map legend? #9081

    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    thank you much 😀

    in reply to: Installed New Update and Now get Error #9026

    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 51
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Installed New Update and Now get Error #9021

    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    Also, none of my updates will install, even when I try to manually upload them.

    Downloading update from [link deleted]

    An error occurred while updating GeoDirectory Framework: Login details for GeoDirectory failed! Please check GeoDirectory>Auto Updates and that your membership is active. Internal Server Error

    in reply to: Installed New Update and Now get Error #9019

    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 51
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: GD core v1.1.4 and MultiLocation 1.0.6 #6408

    [email protected]
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    Yes, I’ve tried one at a time too

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