Baffled by page names or purposes

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #159545

    Post count: 114

    Ok im now totally stumped.

    There are three types of pages as i understand it
    Homepage < self explanatory
    Listing pages < contain listings?
    Detail pages < contains details about a place?

    because as of today if i want to add a widget onto a location page such as /england/west midlands/birmingham then i ahve to add that to the homepage top section or content section. not the listing pages. Which doesnt make a lot of sense but anyway

    Then i have been trying to modify the meta titles for the listing (my version of listing) pages and also the individual place titles. So first i ahve Yoast SEO installed so do it in there instead.
    So under Yoast > Taxonomies > place categories i have added some titles. But nothing changed on the category (read lister or individual town) pages
    So i also went into Yoast > post types and changed the title there also and changed the title for the custom post type for the listings and still nothing. So i go back to browsing around my site and find that now individual listing pages have got the title i added under custom taxonomies as a category title. although nothing else has changed at all……..

    What the hell?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    We have 2 pages sharing the same widgets areas. The gd-home and the location page. They are identical, only 1 serves as the home page in case you want GD to be your website home page, the second is used to serve locations home pages.

    About the meta titles, to be honest with you, I didn’t understand much of what you wrote.

    Please provide a link and admin credentials to your website and clear instructions to replicate the issue.

    Please try to be clear especially :

    meta titles for the listing (my version of listing) pages and also the individual place titles.


    read lister or individual town

    Thank you


    Post count: 114

    ok i think i get it
    so in that case a listing page must be the individual place. so what is a detail page?. just so i know when i am trying to make changes

    can i make two different titles if the homepage and then each of the location pages share the same code? i would like the homepage to be

    Find the best Studios right here

    and then the location pages

    Find the top Studios in %%location%%

    is that possible if the location pages and the homepage are the same. as its going to look a bit odd if the homepage says find the top studios in ____


    Post count: 29970

    This might help:

    A detail page is the page for one individual listing.
    Listings (note plural, not singular) pages are pages that display all listings in a CPT or category.

    You can use

    Find the top Studios %%in_location%%

    That will result in “Find the top Studios” if there is no specific location selected.

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