Beyond Ridiculously Insane

This topic contains 17 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 7 years, 2 months ago.

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    joel phillips
    Expired Member
    Post count: 82

    Disregard the center thing. I went back and reread your answer on that. Thanks


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    When you make your own page, you would click the + sign and then “Page”. To set your new front page, open your WordPress settings for Reading and choose that page as the Static Front Page.

    When you edit your new front page, you have access to whatever tools you have at your disposal, including your builder, as well as the GD widgets or shortcodes that can be used on Non-GD Pages (as shown in the right hand column in the chart):

    We do not have additional guides for custom pages like front/home/landing pages, but Guust linked above to the layout page which is connected to our ‘getting started’ documentation, all of which is related to GD pages and features.

    You can also find a GD Expert that can setup your site and provide support for WordPress and 3rd party plugins at


    Post count: 29970

    I tried custom html with a grid but Supreme Directory doesn’t recognize the grid which is really frustrating.
    I have now added a text widget with some basic HTML so you can see how it can be done.

    Creating a non-GD homepage
    You would just create a normal WP page and assign that as the homepage.
    Some people use the directory not as the main part of their site, and others want the GD Home Page to be the website’s homepage.
    That is why the option is there, all sites are different.
    This explains the settings required if you want to go that way:

    If you want to use one of your normal WordPress pages for the homepage of your website, then at GD Home Page select GD Home Page, but choose your normal WordPress page at Settings > Reading > Front page displays > Front Page.

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