Business Hours in Sidebar?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  riobravomedia 4 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #510854

    Post count: 361

    I have searched and haven’t been able to find anything on if we can add the Business Hours to the sidebar. I am not finding a GD widget for Business Hours nor a shortcode.

    How can I add Business Hours to the sidebar?

    HTML code to HTML Widget?



    Post count: 361

    Note: I am using Genesis with the Genesis Sample Child theme. And I notice that the difference between using this and one of the Directory themes is that I don’t have a GD Details Sidebar. Do I need to add or register a GD Sidebar? if so could you point me to instructions on how to do that? Will I need Toolset or ACF?


    Post count: 29970

    Use the GD Post Meta widget and select Business Hours as the key. You can also select on which page you want to show the widget.
    There is no need for any other plugin or widget area.



    Post count: 16516

    Hi there,

    Thanks for your post. You can configure the Business hour custom field “Show in extra output locations” to display it on the sidebar.


    Post count: 361

    Thanks.. that is exactly what I was looking for, the GD Post Meta. Thanks much

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