Can't access wp-admin.

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  • #410493

    Kiesha Joseph
    Free User
    Post count: 22

    I installed a brand new WP site at:

    There are only 4 other plugins installed. When I try to install GD plugins, ONE BY ONE, I get the following errors for various plugins:

    * Fatal error: Call to undefined function geodir_get_current_posttype() in /home3/prison/public_html/nonprofit/wp-content/plugins/geodir_custom_posts/geodir_cpt_link_business.php on line 312
    * Fatal error: Call to undefined function geodir_count_reviews_by_terms() in /home3/prison/public_html/nonprofit/wp-content/plugins/geodir_event_manager/gdevents_functions.php on line 2188
    * Fatal error: Call to undefined function geodir_is_wpml() in /home3/prison/public_html/nonprofit/wp-content/plugins/geodir_location_manager/geodir_location_hooks_actions.php on line 4922

    I’m sure there are more. But, I pretty much gave up after that. Please help.


    Kiesha Joseph
    Free User
    Post count: 22
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 29970

    Why did you re-install after I had it all working for you?
    I gave you the username of the only admin that could access wp-admin?

    You made the same mistake again: You do not have the core geodirectory plugin installed at the new site either, which means nothing else of GD can work and will break.

    Please have a good read of all the information I gave you, there was no need to re-install anything.

    You are not installing the GD addons correctly if you can install them without installing the GD core plugin first:

    Only once that is set up, activate the addons, NOT BEFORE:

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