Claim Me?

This topic contains 23 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 5 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #501341

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    I am not sure what you are asking. The field is pre-defined. You can change an options you like, including removing it all and starting again. The doc for the addon is here:

    your listing data is incomplete. Many listings are missing categories, and that will break the maps. If one of the listings with a missing category is to be included on a map, that map will be not load.

    Try exporting your listings and making sure all listings have a category and default category.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 361

    The Field is Pre-Defined? Guust told me that I had to add/create this field for Is Claimed?

    I do see some listings with missing categories in the CSV export.. but when I look at them in Places they DO have categories assigned. Wonder what is going on?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    The export file is correct, for sure.

    Try following the doc and see if it helps with setup of claimed.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 361

    Looks like every listing that I imported that had more than one category has an issue.

    Note: The Categories other than Restaurants were not added before I imported the listings.

    But with that said it added the additional categories to the Places in wp admin but they are NOT in the CSV (see screenshot)


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    You can update them through the CSV


    Expired Member
    Post count: 361

    Alex so let me ask you again to confirm as you didn’t answer this question.

    see attachment

    Do I leave both of these Claimed Fields?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Adding a fieldset is not required, no. No fieldsets are required for setup of GeoDirectory.

    You can remove the Claimed field. You can then add it again. This doc covers that:


    Expired Member
    Post count: 361

    “You can update them through the CSV”

    Alex, this was a test import. To see if everything is setup correctly before I upload 200-300 or more listings. Obviously, something is not correct so I don’t want to upload listings until I figure it out.

    Let me ask you. If I edit my CSV import file to be like the export from the GeoDirectory/Settings/Import/Export area. Can I import them from this section also? or should I use WP All Import


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    When I said “You can update them through the CSV” what I meant was I had already exported the listing to assess the issue and stopped short of simply adding the categories and re-uploading them, because you can do that. You could do the same: export the listings, add in the missing information about the categories, save the sheet, and then import the very same sheet. That would fix the problem for these listings.

    The tab in GeoDirectory -> Settings is -> “Import/Export” and it is used for Import and Export.

    Our recommended procedure for import/export is covered here:

    Here is the text of that, in case you run into any more issues during your testing and want to follow a procedure.

    Recommended procedure for importing listing data
    Complete the Setup of GeoDirectory First

    Enable the Location Manager if you have listings outside your default location. (Failure to enable the Location Manager will results in all your listings being added to the default location).
    Setup maps: Get your Google Maps API key working first (especially if your listings have incomplete address data or are missing lat/lon coordinates so you ca use the superior Geocoding provided by the Google Maps API).
    Set your default location
    Create and configure your Custom Post Type

    You can use the built in “Places” post type, or create your own with the Custom Post Types addon. In either case, before you import, you should set that custom post type up with all the fields that you want.

    Create your Custom Post Type (or use the built in places CPT).
    Add all the Custom Fields you need for your CPT.
    Add a test listing to make sure all your Custom Fields look and behave as expected.
    Make any necessary changes to the Custom Fields, including re-ordering the fields.
    Create or Import Categories

    Categories are required. Each category requires the Name, slug, and a map icon. Any category referenced in your import must first be created (completely) in your site under the Custom Post Type that you want to use. See the Categories doc for more info.

    When you import your listings, make sure that the category listed as the default category is also listed in the category column.

    Once you have imported listings, you will need to run the Term Count tool to update the count of listings in each category.

    Do Not Create Locations

    It is not necessary to create locations before importing listings. It is more important to create sample listings in various locations.
    It is recommended to add listings to various locations. Locations are created automatically when listings are added.
    Add Test Listings

    Add a test listing for each category. Ex. Title=”Test {category name}”, Category={category name}. This will give you an export that will show you how to map each category in your data.
    Add a listing for each location. This will give you an export that will show you how to map each location in your data and provide you samples that are coming from the Map API of your choice.
    Fill out all your custom fields and image fields, and use multiple images in a test listing. This will show you how the fields map, and give you an example for how images are referenced in exports.
    Export Test Listings

    Go to GeoDirectory – Settings – Import/Export – Listings
    Export the listings from the Custom Post Type where you added your categories and test listings.
    Do not use the “Sample Data” file. This file has limited fields. Only the exported listings sheet will contain all your custom fields and be in the appropriate column order.
    Download the CSV Export file.
    Note: You can only edit the file with OpenOffice or LibreOffice Calc. Other editors leave artifacts in saved files that make them unreadable.
    Test Import

    Examine the sheet with Open Office or LibreOffice and note that exported listings have a listing ID
    Take notice that the categories are identified by ID.
    Take you downloaded listings export and attempt to re-import.
    Go to the import dialogue and choose the option to “Update listing if post ID already exists.”
    Select your listing file and upload.
    Error? If you see an error, please check here.
    If no changes were made, there should be no errors.
    Note any errors and report them in a support topic if you cannot address them.
    Make some changes to the file. Try changing the default category of one or more listings, then re-import to see if you made the change correctly.
    Merge A Test Set of 5 Records into the Exported Listings file
    Now that you have some confidence in the export/import system, you can try merging your data into the exported file format. We recommend you try first with one or two records.

    Open the export file in Open Office or LibreOffice Calc.
    Merge 5 records into the sheet. You will at least need to fill in the required fields including title, categories, and some location data.
    Copy-down location data from the exported listings like country/region/city if it is different. Some country names may be different. See the country file here.
    One by one, copy your data from your sheet, and place it into the appropriate column of the export CSV.
    If you have made any changes to existing listings, be sure to choose the option to “Update listing if post ID already exists.”
    Import the sheet. Address any errors identified during the process ad re-import if necessary.
    Merge Data into the Exported Listings file

    Examine the export file with Open Office or LibreOffice. Make note of the columns. Save a backup copy.
    One by one, match the exported column structure to your listing data column structure.
    One by one, copy your data from your sheet, and place it into the appropriate column of the export CSV.
    Map all categories to category IDs.
    If you have made any changes to existing listings, be sure to choose the option to “Update listing if post ID already exists.”
    Import the sheet. Address any errors identified during the process ad re-import if necessary.
    Run the Term Count tool to update the count of listings inside each category.
    CSV Error
    WordPress does not allow the upload of CSV files (by default). You may see one of several different errors when trying to upload a CSV file, all of which are telling you that you cannot upload a CSV file.

    To get around this, install this plugin which makes your site allow the upload of CSV files:

    Once you have uploaded your files, then you can deactivate and delete the plugin.

    This issue, not being able to upload a CSV without a workaround, is a result of a WordPress security policy change (not us!) and the verdict is still out about a ‘proper’ resolution. In fact, you may encounter this issue on your site for a number of different reasons (WordPress version, PHP extensions, Multisite rules, the program used to make the CSV file), none of which are related to GeoDirectory code. Check and see that there are several WordPress bugs resulting from the WordPress security policy change: many many more)

    Almost every plugin that accepts CSV uploads was affected by this, including WooCommerce and Easy Digital downloads, both of which have published workarounds that reference the plugin linked above.

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