.csv "could not be added"

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 7

    I’ve read other posts and followed suggestions, no luck. When I simply download the sample listings csv and then immediately upload this without editing, I get the same error. So that in itself was weird.
    I have tried:
    -populating every field thoroughly
    -uploading with only 1 entry at a time
    -installing and using open office as suggested, after no luck using excel (although this was problematic I still tried!)
    As my locations are all in Australia, my latitudes have a “-” (negative) value, and my zipcodes are actually 4-digit postcodes. I mention in case it pre-empts further issues.
    After many hours I give up. Please help anyone?
    cheers, d


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Daniel,

    Please share the csv file in a zip folder and share WP admin access so that we could check it out further. Please use the private reply option below.



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    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    Sorry to hear about your trouble with importing listings.

    Upon taking a look at your site, I see your default location is set for Emerald, Vidtoria, but upon opening your CSV file, the listing you want to import is not in that city.

    You will need the Location Manager Addon to add listings outside your default location.

    Please install and license the Location Manager Addon. We recommend then adding another location, like Brunswick, and then creating additional Dummy data. You can ‘prove’ the export/import process by creating, exporting, and then importing dummy data.

    Let us know how it goes


    Expired Member
    Post count: 7

    Thanks for the reply

    Do I need to add a location for every different postcode? The cities mentioned were very close together! I am assuming I will add a location for each capital city for listings within that state, is that right?

    I have changed the default city, and now the error “could not be added” no longer relates to address, but instead relates to:

    – Blank title (I’ve used a simple word and don’t see the problem!)
    – Invalid post type (i’ve used “gd_place” as taken from the example csv download!)
    – Invalid characters used (I’ve used comma’s with no spaces for categories and tags fields, a negative value for latitude, @ in email, _ in image filename.jpg, :// in url fields. what is going on?!)

    Please review the csv.zip i’ve submitted and tell me why these errors persist, and what (if any) things I am doing wrong in the fields.

    Whilst waiting for a reply I’ve made further changes to the csv essentially gutting most of the info, now the error relates to the original “due to blank/invalid address(city, region, country, latitude, longitude).”

    Why would the default location “Melbourne” (postcode 3000) not be correct to enable a listing upload for a business in Brunswick (postcode 3056) which is an inner Melbourne suburb? If I need to add a location for every different postcode in Australia, frankly this platform will not work for me. I anxiously await your thoughts.

    thank you


    Post count: 29970

    You should not add any locations, see https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/manage-location/#edit

    Once you added the Location Manager, your CSV should work.

    Google classifies locations different in every country, and each town or suburb in Australia is treated as another “city” by the Google API: https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/definitions/#location

    That does not stop GD to be used though for Australia, see for example
    and plenty more, just cannot think of them right now.

    PS: I live near Brisbane myself 🙂


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    Expired Member
    Post count: 7

    All Sorted

    Thanks for your help guys, this ticket can be closed.



    Post count: 29970

    Thanks for letting us know 🙂
    This will assist to make sure you do not miss any updates:

    Just open a new ticket if you need more help.


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