1. How do I disable the preview descriptions below each listing in the main body and sidebar?
Edit the GD Archive Item template, and remove
[gd_post_content key='post_content' limit='60' max_height='120']
GD > Settings > Pages > GD Archive Item > Edit Page
2. How do I disable the entire rating star system?
Places > Settings > General tab > Show Advanced > Disable ratings
3. What happened to the design of the categories? It seems off from what it was before?
Change the settings of the “GD > Categories” widget, block or shortcode.
4. Why is breadcrumb nav in listing page missing the category?
Iam not sure, may be theme or Yoast related. I’ll get the developers to have a look.
5. Why did this sidebar with founded date and various links and contacts disappear?
Because you have not added the “GD > Output Locations” widget to the sidebar.
You have to add the GD widgets to the sidebar:
6. There used to also be option to edit the listing on the listing page by the author. How do I bring this back?
Add the “GD > Author Actions” widget to the detail page sidebar:
7. Why do place attachments now show file name? And below all place attachments before the description I have this random comma now on all listings
Because you can customize title and description of the image now.