Geodirectory plugin breaking my page

This topic contains 11 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 7 years, 4 months ago.

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    Maria Pena
    Post count: 58


    The geodirectory plugin is slowing my page so much that it gives me the 504 error. I disabled all plugins and found the geodirectory plugin being the issue. I talked to my server and they tell me that that plugin is using t0o many CPU resources and that is what makes my page break.

    I have no idea what this means but please let me know how to proceed so that my page starts working again!

    Thank you!



    Maria Pena
    Post count: 58
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Hi Maria,

    what type of server are you using? DId you ever read this?

    If the server is under-powered you’ll need to upgrade it.

    Let us know,



    Maria Pena
    Post count: 58

    Hi Paolo,

    Thanks for your help!

    I am using a shared plan with Hostgator. Do you recommend to upgrade it to a dedicated server on hostgator or is it better to switch to cloudways 1GB of RAM, 30GB Storage, 2TB Bandwidth?

    Please let me know what you think.

    Thank you!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Hi Maria,

    I normally avoid big hosting provider that tend to go after quantity more than quality. Hostgator is one of them, that said I never tested their dedicated servers.

    I tested cloudways and you will see a great improvement compared to your current server. In addition you’d be able to scale up on demand whenever you traffic will require it in the future.



    Maria Pena
    Post count: 58
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    you needed to clear GD Booster cache.

    Please check now.



    Maria Pena
    Post count: 58

    Thank you!!! It worked!


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 275

    Hi Paolo,
    I just installed geodirectory plugin, then Directory Started theme and then Supreme Directory child theme. I installed the provided listing data sample form you guys and listings look great with the map on the side, very promising. No other plugins are installed at this time.

    Now, my issue is that my wordpress back end is very slow. Each time I select a menu it takes from 10 to 20 seconds to respond (for example: Setting->Reading, takes 16 seconds to load). I am using bluehost with the cloud service which is suppost to be faster then the regular package they offer.

    I am also running on this same hosting service an older version of your theme, geotheme (that is no longer supported), on that version when I go to my wordpress back end page and access any menu such as ‘Appearance->Themes’ it takes 2 seconds to load, and the same take 15 seconds on my new Geode directory install.

    Is there anything I can do to improve this slow responds?
    I see from the response above from the user Maria that she says it worked! But I don’t know if Clearing GD Booster cache fixed the issue or if she had to upgrade to new faster hosting.

    How do you Clear GD Booster cache?

    Thank you.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    GD Booster really only helps speeding up the front end for logged out users, like any caching system.

    If the back end is so slow, the only solution is to move to a better and upgraded hosting provider Please see:



    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 275

    Hi Paolo,
    I did a complete new installation with cloudways as the readme suggest and I did find the performance to be much better for my back end.

    Then I compered and noticed that the main difference between my bluehost cloud installation and the cloudways installation was that my bluehost wordpress installation by default included a ‘Mojo Market Place’ plug in, I deactivated and removed that and I was back into business with Bluehost, the performance was much better, but my page loads for my listings were much slower than with cloudways.

    But then I installed the ‘W3 Total Cache’ plug in and now I am seeing the same page load time for my listing with Bluehost cloud and Cloudways.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    W3 Total Cache is not fully compatible, it will break several functionalities on your website.

    Please install wp super cache + autoptimize instead.


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