The latitude and longitude you put in the spreadsheet refers to Ala Buka, Kyrgyzstan.
The correct lat and lng for that address is 41.6875738 and -71.49911359999999
Your default city Wainscott still does not match the imported city Warwick.
WPengine’s caching system needs flushing every time you made any changes:
Using WP Rocket together with the WPengine caching probably does not hep either.
You need to keep plugins up to date, some of your errors are from old versions of some plugins.
I’ll get a developer to have a closer look too to give some pointers, but with all the non-GD plugins being out of date etc, the caching plugins etc.
Try deactivating all plugins you do not need, update the rest.
If you want a developer to have a closer look, confirm that we can de-activate anything non-GD to test.