How to add Search Filter and show items after map

This topic contains 50 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 5 years, 11 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 134

    Please reply me!!!

    I use Elementoe!
    in search page I see these

    [gd_loop layout=1]

    When you wrote “customize these widget” where do I’ve to go????


    you wrote:

    You need to edit the Archive item template and add the gd_post_meta widget.

    How/where edit??
    What do you mean with Archite item?? Where I found and how I Customize?

    you wrote

    In the options of that widget you’ll find the keys to add your own custom fields.

    Where I go in widget options?

    I’ve seen GDDetail page…. but I see only tags in this page…. and not setting.
    I want to show in result lists, my custom fields created


    Post count: 29970

    I have not read the whole topic so forgive me if I answer something answered earlier already. I also have not been able to look at your site because I cannot find a working password.

    in search page I see these
    [gd_loop layout=1]
    When you wrote “customize these widget” where do I’ve to go????

    If you want to add or edit shortcodes, I suggest to install the Classic Editor plugin, then create a spare WP page for testing and play with the shortcode builder to see all the options for shortcodes.

    What do you mean with Archite item?? Where I found and how I Customize?

    Have a look at GD > Settings > Pages.
    There you will find links to the different GD templates.
    GD Archive Item is one of them.
    That template creates the layout of each individual listing on Search pages or Listings pages.

    In the options of that widget you’ll find the keys to add your own custom fields.
    Where I go in widget options?

    The same way as I explained in the beginning here.
    Use the shortcode builder to see all options, and hover over the question marks to see what all options are.
    Most shortcodes (or widgets or blocks – depends how you build your templates) have an “Advanced” setting too, and you should find a button to open the advanced settings.

    I’ve seen GDDetail page…. but I see only tags in this page…. and not setting.
    I want to show in result lists, my custom fields created

    If you want to show custom fields you created in the results on a search page, you need to
    * make sure you set the “show in output location” to show on the listings page, when you create the custom field.
    * then make sure that the GD Archive Item template has a GD Output Location shortcode, block or widget.
    In the default settings, that shortcode is there like this “[gd_output_location location=’listing’]”

    Sorry if I repeated some answers, but if you give working admin again, it will be easier to answer because I will be able to see what type of template building you are using.



    Free User
    Post count: 134
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    Free User
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    Free User
    Post count: 134

    If you want to add or edit shortcodes, I suggest to install the Classic Editor plugin, then create a spare WP page for testing and play with the shortcode builder to see all the options for shortcodes.

    Can I do with elementor? I can’t use another editor, on my site we use elementor!

    The same way as I explained in the beginning here.
    Use the shortcode builder to see all options, and hover over the question marks to see what all options are.
    Most shortcodes (or widgets or blocks – depends how you build your templates) have an “Advanced” setting too, and you should find a button to open the advanced settings.

    Please I don’t understand. I edit a specified page, for example:
    I can edit with simple WP editor (HTML) or Elementor… what do I’ve to use?
    Where do I manage shortcodes?? and where I have “Advanced” options???

    and Yes I’ve this
    [gd_output_location location=’listing’]
    but again I don’t know how and where to manage settings of these shortcodes

    Thank for your replies!!!


    Post count: 29970

    See image 1 for how to access the shortcode builder, and adjust shortcodes.
    Then you can copy that code into a page where you want to use elementor.
    You can edit any page with Elementor or the normal wordpress editor.
    There is no need to use Elementor for GD templates, and there is usually no need to change the templates once set up.

    To add custom fields to the Listings page, see image 2, you need to add the custom fields to the Listings page, see image 3.

    To add custom fields to the detail page, look at Places > Settings > Tabs, and this:
    See image 4.


    Post count: 29970
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    Free User
    Post count: 134

    No! Cause of I see this my page
    (my main search page) and I don’t see what I asked 🙁


    Free User
    Post count: 134
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    Post count: 29970

    Edit your GD Search template and delete the GD Categories shortcode added with Elementor.


    Free User
    Post count: 134

    Please reply to all 3 questions!!!

    *** 1 ***

    Do you mean edit this page

    What is “GD Search template” and where to edit?

    *** 2 ***

    Another (old question) was about to fix result search single item

    Now I see

    Guust test
    Discharge: Side
    Finished material: Plates
    Furnace type: Pusher Furnace
    Fuel: Liquid Propane Gas
    View: List View: Grid 2 View: Grid 3 View: Grid 4 View: Grid 5 Cliente: Guust test Discharge: SideFinished material: PlatesFurnace type: Pusher FurnaceFuel: Liquid Propane Gas This is a test. Cliente: Forno 4 Discharge: FrontFinished material: SlabsFurnace type: Chamber FurnaceFuel: Heavy Fuel Oil Cliente: Forno 6 Discharge: FrontFinished material: SlabsFurnace type: Chamber FurnaceFuel: Heavy Fuel Oil Cliente: CAPITOL STEEL Discharge: FrontFinished material: SlabsFurnace type: Chamber FurnaceFuel: Heavy Fuel Oil Cliente: Forno 2 Discharge: FrontFinished material: SlabsFurnace type: Chamber FurnaceFuel: Heavy Fuel Oil

    I don’t know here comes from this text:

    View: List View: Grid 2 View: Grid 3 View: Grid 4 View: Grid 5 Cliente: Guust test Discharge: SideFinished material: PlatesFurnace type: Pusher FurnaceFuel: Liquid Propane Gas This is a test. Cliente: Forno 4

    *** 3 ***

    Why do I’ve 5 places but here I see only 1 after search?


    Post count: 29970

    Do you mean edit this page ??
    What is “GD Search template” and where to edit?

    See image 1 and 2.

    I don’t know here comes from this text: View: List View: Grid 2 …

    You had an error in the GD Archive template.

    Why do I’ve 5 places but here I see only 1 after search?

    You had an error in the GD Archive template.



    Free User
    Post count: 134

    You had an error in the GD Archive template.

    great can you tell me what have you fixed?


    Free User
    Post count: 134

    Do you mean edit this page ??
    What is “GD Search template” and where to edit?

    See image 1 and 2.

    Sure but in this page I’ve:

    [gd_loop layout=1]

    and NOT collection tag that you suggest me to delete

    where can I delete POPULAR CATEGORIES?



    Post count: 29970

    I think you had some curly quotes in the shortcodes, instead of straight quotes. I am not sure exxactly where, because I just replaced the code with correct code, when I realised there must have been an error in it somewhere.

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