Importer juste un fichier csv de nom de site web

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    olivier alexandrian
    Expired Member
    Post count: 1


    Je veux faire un annuaire de site web pour ma communauté .

    J’ai un fichier csv d’env 200.000 nom de site et j’aimerai pouvoir les implanter et que

    Geodirectory recupere les informations sur le web pour compléter la fiche avec

    la description + Screenshot + Meta title + favicon + etc

    Cette fonction existe t-elle sur ce plug in ?

    Existe t il une application pour le récupérer ?



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    please post in English.


    olivier alexandrian
    Expired Member
    Post count: 1


    I want to make a website directory for my community.

    I have a csv file of about 200.000 site name and I would like to be able to implement them and that

    Geodirectory retrieves the information on the web to complete the file with

    Description + Screenshot + Meta title + favicon + etc

    Does this function exist on this plug in?

    Is there an application to recover it?



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Thank you for posting in English. It is nice to hear about your new project.

    Geodirectory allows for some automated collection of data from Yelp or Facebook, but only one record at time.

    There are functions for import of listing data and images and export of listing data.

    I recommend you proceed with an attempt to import your data. If you do not already have lat/lon coordinates or complete address data, you might consider setup of a CPT without address so that you can import the data you have.

    Geodirectory retrieves the information on the web to complete the file with

    Description + Screenshot + Meta title + favicon + etc

    Does this function exist on this plug in?

    Is there an application to recover it?

    No, there is not a feature for this, if I understand correctly. There is not a feature that will scrape sites to retrieve data in that way.

    If you need hands on help with setup of your site I recommend you approach an expert for a concierge service, so that you can get your new directory up and running quickly.

    If you have specific questions about functionality or settings, please feel free to write back with your questions and we will do our best to help you.

    You can create a new CPT and then go to GD > general > general tab > Select CPT to disable physical location
    All listings in a CPT need addresses, or none. You cannot mix listings with and without addresses in the same CPT.

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