Listings not going to draft and reminder emails not being sent

This topic contains 32 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Kiran 6 years, 6 months ago.

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    Jen Thomson
    Post count: 145

    Hey guys,

    My client has raised an issue with me that expired listings are not going to draft and that reminder emails are not being sent.

    I have tried this out with a test listing and it is the case.

    My client was using recurring payments but after a discussion with support on here we cancelled all recurring payments via paypal so that they could increase their prices.

    But we now have a lot of profiles overdue which are still live and no reminders have been sent.

    Can you help with this?



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Are the listings that are not sending emails still on a recurring package?

    Please send over an example of a listing that meets the criteria above, it could be a test listing, so we can see the settings in place.

    Don’t forget to include WP Admin so we can login and check the settings.


    Jen Thomson
    Post count: 145

    Yes all packages are recurring.

    After seeking advice on here I created new packages which are also recurring. Cancelled the existing recurring payments. Set all the profiles to be on the new packages.


    Jen Thomson
    Post count: 145
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    Jen Thomson
    Post count: 145
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    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815
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    Post count: 7069

    Hello Jen,

    Please provide us FTP credentials so we can do some debugging to find issue.



    Jen Thomson
    Post count: 145
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    Post count: 7069
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    Jen Thomson
    Post count: 145

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    How long would the sandbox mode be on and what timezone are you in? Would be ok for the site to go into ‘maintenance’ if you are working on it when most of our customers are not on it.

    Or I can get the hosts to put up a dev version for you to test on.


    Post count: 7069
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    Jen Thomson
    Post count: 145

    OK Thanks Kirin, I will look at getting that up and running tonight.


    Jen Thomson
    Post count: 145
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    Post count: 7069
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    Jen Thomson
    Post count: 145

    Ok Thanks Kiran!

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