I did copy and paste the original license key, but obviously I missed a tick box or something at checkout. I appreciate you fixing that error on my part. Now that I am all up-to-date, I still have the same problem.
I placed an ad in collector ads and went to checkout. I then click ‘pay and publish’. I entered the test card details for Stripe and clicked okay. The Info page came up saying the transaction was successful.
When I check the ad it is still in the draft status. When I check Stripe, the transaction value shows up at $14.97 instead of the $15.00 sale amount. Further, as the admin I got an email telling me a new listing was published and one as the publishing customer. However I received no emails or receipt from Stripe.
As I posted in another thread. when I do a test on the webhook from my stripe account, I get a 403 error. Someone was looking into that issue, but it is still not resolved.
Any assistance is appreciated.