Hi Mark,
GDV2 uses elements that are available as shortcodes, widgets, or gutenberg blocks.
As an example, if one is editing a page with the classic editor, choose the shortcode editor button and configure the options.
As another example, use the gutenberg block editor and choose a GD Map block. Click the block and view the properties to see all the settings.
No matter which one is used, block, widget, or shortcode, in each one the options are visible along with some explanation of what the options do.
Map zoom level is also one of the options. If the shortcode is already there, then open a shortcode builder and replace that shortcode with a new one that has the options you want.
A good place to start is by reading through 2 or three of the doc pages that can give you an overview:
https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs-v2/geodirectory/personalize/ (video!)
SiteOrigin has an option to add widget inside the page. Do that. When you do all the options will be right there in front of you. If there aren’t write back with WP Admin and we will fix it.
We have some builder notes here: https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs-v2/integrations/builders/